Wednesday 1 June 2016


Brief Introduction on The Spiritual Manuals


但可能少些人明白,其實《龍文鳳篆》衹是“上天”的“密碼”之一二,而在道教文化之中,此類“密碼”統稱《會文》,總共有八種 稱爲《八種會文》,民間稱爲 《天書》,而新來宗教稱爲“天文”。















《雲篆》 咒語或者經文,

《龍文鳳篆》 密文,符籙或者諱字。








1 五雷轟頂後,出現於人體之上,會解碼者,便能知道此人或生靈爲何爲遭《五雷轟頂》

2 雷擊之後,一般會出現在此人或生靈的背部及手臂,呈現《硃砂色》或者類似“血絲”

3 以手接雷者,會在手掌上留下《硃砂痣》,此人從此不可打駡其他人或生靈,不然該人或生靈將會受“天譴”









In Taoism, as recorded, in the whole of this Individual Universe, there are 8 types of Spiritual Manual (八種會文-天書). Each Manual performing a Special Task in withholding the Upright Teaching of Taoism.

These 8 types of Spiritual Heavenly Manual are known as:

Heavenly Manual(天書)
Immortal & Saints Manual (神書)
Earthly Manual aka Long Wen Feng Zhuan (地書)
Internal Manual (內書)
External Manual (外書)
Ghostly Manual (鬼書)
Chinese Scripture Manual (夏書)
Non-Chinese Scripture Manual (夷書)

Heavenly Manual and Immortal & Saints Manual, the 2 Manuals recording the Spiritual Characters of the Heavenly Realm. Each Character representing a meaning such as the Official Addressing term of a level of Heaven known as Na Yin (衲音) or, the Official Title of an Immortal of the Pre-Heavenly Period (先天神明之稱諱). The Characters shown in these 2 Manuals looked like the formation or the outshape of Clouds and this was why, in later part of the Taoist History, such Characters were being addressed as Yun Zhuan aka Cloud Writing (雲篆).

The 3rd type is known as Earthly Manual or Long Wen Feng Zhuan (龍文鳳篆). This Earthly Manual was being recorded to impart the Upright Teaching of Taoism to the Mortals using the formation character of the outlook of Dragons & Phoenixes. As recorded, each of the Character will be able to emit out a form of Strong Energy that could subdue a Dragon or compare to the strength of a Spiritual Phoenix.

The Internal Manual and External Manual were actually referring to the Manual & Skills that had being discovered by Fu Xi aka Master Ba Gua (八卦祖師伏羲) and King Ji Chang (周朝文王姬昌). These 2 types of Manuals being formed using the outlook of Spiritual Creatures in the Water (洛書/龜書) and those Animals that flew in the Sky (鳥書) and crawl on the ground (虎書). Usually such Manuals were being used to perform Spiritual Predictions & Forseen Issues.

Ghostly Manual, a type of characters that being left over by Thunder & Lightening after striking a Living Being to death (雷電擊身之文). Such Characters usually will reveal a form of Teaching for the Living Beings to be more Humble, Compassion & Upright. Besides creating by Thunder & Lightening, some Animals or Creatures are able to create such characters on Mortals too, for eg: Animal-abusing, Killing un-necessarily, etc.

Chinese Character Manual, starting in the Xia Dynasty (夏朝) and this was why, in Taoist History, this type of Manual was being addressed as Xia Shu. Xia Shu, using the characters that created by Mortal to do recording and teaching.

Non-Chinese Scripture Manual, meaning the Tribal recording characters. Usually such characters were being created by Tribal Troup (少數民族) or Non-chinese for easy interaction and teachings.

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