Friday 27 May 2016

歡慶端午節 Celebration the Fifth Month Festival

歡慶端午節 Celebration the Fifth Month Festival











五月為毒月如有潤五月又稱出煞月初五更是九毒日之首所以端午節當天家家戶戶用紅紙把艾草(Artemisia argyi)菖蒲(Acorus calamus)和榕枝(banyan)綁成一束懸掛在門首有避邪保健之意菖蒲有脊如劍可驅魔斬妖艾草廣泛使用於針灸而菊科植物的氣味又有驅蟲的功效榕枝則有象徵青春之意




另外家長們多在端午節讓小孩配戴老虎型香包內置檀香白芷(Angelica dahurica)桂心(Cinnamomum cassia)雄黃等香料希望能趨吉避邪祈求幸福是對下一代的關愛如果送香包給長輩也有表達尊敬之意


Fifth Month Festival, in Chinese known as Duan Wu Jie (端午節), Duan Yang Jie (端陽節) or Tian Zhong Jie (天中節), in English being translated as Dumpling Festival. In Hokkien Context, we will address it as Fifth Month Festival aka Ghor Ghuet Jhie (五月節).

According to Ancient Chinese Records, Fifth Month Festival actually existed far before Qu Yuan (the Loyal Poet) killed himself on the 5th Day of Lunar 5 Month. Due to Qu Yuan's Popular Image and the Loyalty-ness that he got, after his Death, Chinese only remember that this Day was dedicated to remember him and neglected the Origin of this Festival.

Since Yellow Emperor Era (黃帝時期) invented Lunar Calendar System, Fifth Month Festival was already being stated/shown on the Calendar System. On this Day, it means that the Sun reaches the Mid-point of the Earth (in the Era shall be refering to Mainland China). And so, the Mortal Realm will encounted Extreme Heat & different types of Diseases will arise due to the Moist & Hot weather.

In-order to get-rid of such Diseases from being spreaded around in the Commoners Society, certain pre-cautions had to be taken. This is how later, certain Chinese Herbs are being introduced and used in Chinese Families.

In here, I will start with a short introduction on how Rice Dumpling aka Zong Zi (棕子) came about. The Story goes like that:

Qu Yuan (屈原), other names known as Qu Ping (屈平) or Ling Jun (靈均), born in BC340 (生于公元前340), hometown in China Hu Bei Province Yi Chang County (湖北宜昌县).

After Qu Yuan grow-up, he got his Official Position in Chu Kingdom (楚國), from then, he was being Highly respected by the Chu King (楚王). Soon, Qin Kingdom (秦國) became the Biggest & Strongest Kingdom among the 7 Kingdoms in the Warring Period. Immediately, Qu Yuan sent an Petition to King Chu to request for joining force with Qi Kingdom (齊國) to go against Qin Kingdom. But due to obstacles in the joining forces, the Cooperation-agreement was being delayed. in BC 305, after the failure in the Cooperation with Qi Kingdom, Chu Kingdom was being conquered by Qin Kingdom.

Soon after Chu Kingdom was being taken over by Qin Kingdom, Qu Yuan was being Send-off by Chu Kingdom, from then, Qu Yuan started his wandering life. In BC 278, Qin Kingdom destoryed Capital Ying (郢都) of Chu Kingdom, upon receiving the news, Qu Yuan was suffered from extreme shock and with the Strong-blow on Chu Kingdom being destroyed, Qu Yuan killed himself in Mi Luo River (汨羅河). At that time, Qu Yuan was only 63 years old.

Knowing that Qu Yuan had killed himself in Mi Luo River, the Commoners of Old Chu Kingdom were upset and touched by his Loyalty and so immediately, the Strong-men gathered Boats and set-off to the River to search for Qu Yuan, hoping that they might be able to rescue Qu Yuan from drowning. After sometime, the Strong-men were not able to see any sight of Qu Yuan. Upon hearing the News, the Elderlys & Ladies started to make Rice-balls & Rice-cubes and asked the Strong-men to go out into the Mi Luo River again, this time round, the Strong-men were advised to throw the Rice-balls & Rice-cubes into the River. This is to allow the Fishes in the River to eat the Rice-balls & cubes and not eating the Flesh of Qu Yuan.

From then, on the Day of Qu Yuan's suicide, 5th Day of Lunar 5 Month, Chinese will prepare Rice-dumplings (包棕子) & participate in Dragon-boat Racing (賽龍舟) to remember the Loyalty & Faithfulness of Qu Yuan.

Now, after knowing how Dragon-Boat Racing & Rice-dumpling come about, I will do some brief Introduction on the Practices on the Ancient Fifth Month Festival.

In Ancient Era, Fifth Month Festival is also known as Tian Zhong Jie (translated as Heaven in the Center Position Day 天中節) and so, Chinese will tend to believe that the Sun had reaches the Peak Point in the Mortal Realm. Besides that, due to Heaven had reaches the Center Point of the whole Mortal Realm, meaning that, this Day, Chinese shall used Yellow-color in-order to respect the Heaven or Deities and so, on this Day, Chinese will only consume or use Items that got Yellow color (In Taoism, Center Position/Element has the Natural Color of Yellow/Brown 中方為黃).

Besides that, due to Chinese also believed that this Day is the Day that All Diseases & Negative Entities will come out to make nasty & harm Mortals, the Chinese will prepared some Natural Herbs/Plants to get rid of the Negative Stuffs.

Such Herbs/Plants are:

1) 艾草 (Artemisia Argyi) - due to the Aroma given out by this Plant, it is able to stop Insects & Worms from getting near

2) 菖蒲 (Acorus Calamus) - due to the Hard & Sharp Stem that this Plant has, Chinese believed that the Stem is able to transform into Spiritual Sword for eliminating Negative Entities

3) 榕枝 (Banyan Leaves Stem) - has a significate of New Life & Re-start

After gathering the Herbs/Plants, the Chinese will used Red-paper to wrap on the Bottom-part of the Herbs/Plants and then hang it outside of the House to prevent the Diseases or Negative Entities from entering.

Once the hanging is completed, the Chinese will prepare a Big Basin of Water and placed it outside the House/Garden where the Sun can shine directly onto the Water. After the Timing reaches 1100Am (Chinese Hour known as Wu Shi or Horse Hour 午時), the Chinese will keep the Water in and then, by adding a little bit of Realgar (雄黃), Artemisia Argyi (艾草), Acorus Calamus (菖蒲), Willow Leaves (柳枝葉) & Peach-blossom Leaves (桃花葉) and once its ready, the whole Family will used the Water for Showering or washing of Face to get rid of any form of Sickness.

By then, the Ladies will prepared Wine with little amount of Realgar (雄黃酒), this is to be consumed by the whole Family in-order to detox the internal toxic-substances in our Physical Body. And Chinese believed that, by drinking this Realgar Wine, oneself will be blessed with Good Health.

Besides the washing & drinking, the Elderlys will also gather 5 Color Strings (Yellow, Red, Green, White & Black 五色線). After the gathering, the Elderlys will tie the 5 Color Strings together to make it into Wrist-band. After that, the Elderlys will distribute them out to each Family Member for wearing. Guys to wear on the Left Hand & Girls on the Right Hand.

Chinese believed that by wearing this 5 Color Wrist-band, oneself will be blessed with the Positive Energies emitted from the 5 Directions (五方正氣) and so, no Negative Entities will be able to come near or do any nasty actions.

In Taoism, on this Day, the Taoists will usually recite the following Mantra immediately oneself get up from the Bed. This Mantra is to gather the Positive Energy from the Heaven to assist oneself in getting rid of any form of Negative Entities.


Wu Yue Chu Wu Tian Zhong Jie. Yi Qie Zai E Mie Wei Chen. Ji Ji Ru Lv Ling

For the Offering to Deities/Ancestors on Fifth Month Festival, oneself or the Family can just prepare the following items:

1) 5 Rice-dumplings on each Altar ( most people will prefer Kee Chang - 五顆梘水棕, the Plain one)

2) 3 Cups of Chinese Tea (三杯上等茶)

3) 1 Set of Fruits (in 5 Quantity 生果五顆)

4) 3 Sets of Shou Jin/San Bao Jin (三份壽金/三寶金)

5) 3 Sets of Silver-paper for Ancestors (祖先:三份銀紙錢)

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