Wednesday 12 February 2014

甲午馬年上元天官賜福大帝考校天下 Annual Inspection of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan for Jia Wu Horse Year 2014

After a long stretch of Celebration for Lunar New Year, its time to do an Official Round-off for the Festival.

Its again the 15th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月十五日) – for Year 2014, it falls on 14 Feb (a Friday), which is also known as Yuan Xiao (元宵) or Shang Yuan (上元).

In Taoism, this is also the Day for Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (天官大帝) to conduct his Annual Inspection for the Mortals in the Mortal Realm (考校巡天下) and in some other Taoist contexts, also known as the Manifestation Anniversary of Heavenly Lord Tian Guan (其他文獻也記載此日為天官大帝之千春聖誕). 

For those who are interested in finding out more, please do feel free to visit the following links:

Pictures of San Guan Da Di (三官大帝照片連接):

Praising Incantation of San Guan Da Di (三官大帝寶誥):

Info of Tian Guan (天官大帝簡介):

Tian Guan Da Di (天官大帝) aka Lord Emperor of Heavenly Realm.

In Folks Culture, Tian Guan Da Di is one of the very few High Position Deities that being appointed to distribute or bestowed the Luck of Fortune or Luck of Wealth to the Mortals.

On every 15th Day of Lunar 1 Month, the Manifestation Anniversary aka Birthday, of Tian Guan, the Chinese & Taoists will visit Temples that dedicate Altar or Statue to San Guan Da Di to pay respect to Tian Guan Da Di, in-order to make request for the blessing of Good Luck from Tian Guan Da Di.

In other Chinese Countries, such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc, grand Rituals/Ceremonies that dedicated to Tian Guan Da Di will be organized for devotees to participate in.

During the Rituals/Ceremonies, Taoist Priests/Spiritual Masters will do Scripture Chanting and Petition Reading, in-order to evoke the energy from Tian Guan Da Di to be bestowed onto the Mortals.

In Singapore, never ever we can see such a Ritual/Ceremony being conducted, sad to say, not much people in Singapore or South East Asia known about who is Tian Guan Da Di or San Guan Da Di, worst is that, there are ignorant Temples & Sintuas that tend to distort the Upright Culture of San Guan Da Di.

In order to get the necessary blessing from Tian Guan Da Di or San Guan Da Di, one self must be Upright and Willingly to accept the True Teaching of Taoism.

Last, all the best in the paying respect, may Tian Guan Da Di distribute the Luck of Fortune to All of you.
Intro on Shang Yuan:

San Guan Da Di Comic (三元三官大帝漫畫輯):

Intro on the Spiritual Carriage of San Guan Da Di (三元三官大帝座下靈獸):

Couplets dedicated to Lord San Guan (三官大帝相關通用對聯):


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