Thursday 27 June 2013

Introduction on Priestess Zhang Qi Ying (張天師之曾孫張琪瑛胤師)

In Taoism, Zhang Yu Lan (張玉蘭胤師) was the First Lady Priestess that was being known as Spiritual Maiden - Mother of Taoist Scriptures (道經之仙姆) and she was the Aunty of Priestess Zhang Qi Ying (張琪瑛之姑母).

Introduction on Zhang Yu Lan (張玉蘭胤師簡介):

Zhang Qi Ying (張琪瑛), the Great-granddaughter of Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張道陵天師), Granddaughter of the 2nd Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Heng (嗣師張衡天師之孫女) & 3rd Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Lu's daughter (系師張魯天師之女).

She was born in Late Han Dynasty, on 12th Day of Lunar 7 Month AD196 (建生於漢建安元年七月十二日) and her Attaining Immortality Anniversary was on 20th Day of Lunar 3 Month AD 217 (飛昇於漢建安二十二年三月二十日).

Since young, Zhang Qi Ying was deeply influenced by her Aunty Zhang Yu Lan and so, she tried her best to memorize all Scriptures, Incantations and Spiritual Records, that being passed down by her Ancestors and other Spiritual Sages.

At the age of 16, she was being arranged a marriage by her Father Zhang Lu to General Ma Chao (其父張魯將之配婚與馬超大將).

Soon after the marriage, Ma Chao was killed in a Battle and pitying Qi Ying that she was still young, Zhang Lu arranged for another marriage for her with Cao Yu (曹宇), the Son of Cao Cao (曹操與環夫人之子), but due to Qi Ying hated Cao Cao for his rebellious, she refused to marry to the Son and so, she left her family and wandered around to spread the teaching of Zheng Yi Sect.

One day, while she pass-by Han Zhong City Mian County (漢中市勉縣), she found that this piece of land was special and so, she decided to stay in this area for long and hopefully she can promote Taoism to more people in here.

After years of non-stop promoting of Taoism, one night, Qi Ying saw her Aunty Zhang Yu Lan appeared in here dream, advising her that, her time is up for Returning to the Celestial Realm (其姑母張玉蘭出現於夢中﹐提醒琪瑛該歸為之時已到).

Upon hearing that, Zhang Qi Ying was delighted and she followed her Aunty – walking on a Path which was formed by colourful clouds and soon, she disappeared into the air (隨著姑母張玉蘭踏上七彩祥雲﹐徐徐飛昇入闕).

On that day, it was 20th Day of Lunar 3 Month (此時正是漢建安二十二年三月二十日) and she was only 22 Years old (享年二十二歲).

Due to her Sincerity, Compassionate and Determination, she was very well respected by the villagers and after she attained her Immortality, the villager built a nice Tomb and a Temple dedicated to her (因受勉縣人民愛戴﹐因此在琪瑛得道之後﹐該人民為其修墳立祠).

Today, in China Xia Xi Province, Han Zhong City Mian County Wen Quan Town Guang Ming Village (陜西省漢中市勉縣東南溫泉鎮光明村), Zhang Qi Ying's tomb can still be seen and a Temple known as Nv Lang Temple (女郎祠/女郎廟) was just beside her tomb.
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