Sunday 7 April 2013

Short intro on Taoist Spiritual Notice (道教榜文簡介)

Bang Wen (榜文) or known as Public Notice, was used by the Imperial Court in the Ancient Era for the announcing of certain important notices to the Citizens or Public of the Country/Kingdom.

Bang Wen was founded in Shang Dynasty (最早出現與商朝) and later being widely used in Qin Dynasty (而後在秦朝被高度使用).

In the earlier days, Bang Wen was known as Gao Wen (榜文最早被稱之為告文) – literally known as Notice of Informing (顧名思義為告訴/告知之意).

In Han Dynasty (漢朝), Bang Wen was being commonly used by the Imperial Court & District Officers for making Daily Notices to the Public.

When Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (正一張祖天師) restructured/reform Taoism, he had imported in Bang Wen as part of the Culture for the announcing of Spiritual Notices to the Three Realms (告示三界) – Heavenly, Earthly aka Mortal Realm & Waterly Realm.

During Eastern Jin Dynasty, with the help of Lu Xiu Jing (陸修靜) and a few others Taoist High Masters, restructuring & standardised the Taoist Rituals & Ceremonies, from then, Bang Wen had transformed into another small version Petition form for Burning during Taoist Rituals & Ceremonies.

In Tang Dynasty (唐朝), the smaller version Bang Wen was being widely used and in Song Dynasty (宋朝), it had become a common use for Taoist Priests.

During Yuan Dynasty (元朝), which China was being conquered by the Mongolian (蒙古入主中原), Taoist Bang Wen & Spiritual Petitions (疏文) were being instructed to add in the Mongolian Languages (加入文). And at this Dynasty, Bang Wen’s header had added another Title known as Wu Shang Hun Yuan Zong Tan (無上混元宗壇), which later belongs to Quan Zhen Sect (全真宗). From then, there were 2 Titles being seen on Bang Wen, Spiritual Petition & other Spiritual Notices (牒文) (another is Wan Fa Zong Tan 萬法宗壇, which belongs to Zheng Yi Sect 正一宗).

By Ming Dynasty (明朝), all Taoist Rituals and Ceremonies were being standardised and most of the format of Bang Wen, Spiritual Petitions & Notices were being recorded in Taoist Canon (道藏), which allowed the Taoist Descendants to refer too when need in the newer generation.

In Qing Dynasty (清朝) & Min Guo Era (民國), due to wars (戰爭) and revolutions (革命暴動), a lot of such records were lost or destroyed, which led to only certain records of Bang Wen, etc, could be seen or found.

In the 60s, after all wars & revolutions, many older High Priests/Masters had decided to share their knowledge & collection, which somehow allowed the lineage of Taoism to be continued till today. We really appreciate that all these Elders shared their knowledge at that time, if not, many of the knowledge will be gone.

Last but not least, in here, you all will be seeing an example of the Official Taoist Notice that being used in Taoist Salvation Ritual. As you all can see that the Ritual’s Title is being included at the Header (靈寶大法司), followed by what is the objective of this Ritual (青玄資度齋壇), then the address of the Ceremonial Premises, the Scriptures to be Chanted (三官妙經/等等), Date of the Notice being issued (道曆某某) and last, the most important part, the Leading Priests’ Titles & signing off (上清大洞/五雷某某及花印). Without the Titles & Signing off, this Spiritual Notice will not be considered Official or “Accepted”.

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