Thursday 20 December 2012

Manifestation Anniversary of Salvation Lord Tai Yi 2012 (壬辰年太乙救苦天尊千秋聖誕)

Tai Yi Tian Zun (太乙天尊) aka Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Tian Zun (太乙尋聲救苦天尊) or Tai Yi Zhen Ren (太乙真人).

In Taoism, he is the main key-person who is being appointed to take charge of the task of doing salvation for all the suffering souls, whether is to salvage them out of the suffering Realms or salvage them and bring them to the Eastern Palace for enjoying of eternal joyous.

During Taoist funeral wakes' rituals/ceremonies, Tai Yi Tian Zun will be invited and the Priests that conduct the Ritual/Ceremony must recite scriptures that are dedicated or associated with Tai Yi Tian Zun.

Different mantras are being recited too, in-order to assists the passed-on person to get the necessary blessing from Tai Yi Tian Zun.

In Big Salvation Ritual/Ceremony, the Taoist Priest will have to recite the Official Title of Tai Yi Tian Zun and also to visualize one self turning into Tai Yi Tian Zun while releasing the Positive Energy or Light Ray to do the salvation of the suffering souls.

Today, such Ritual/Ceremony can still be seen, but due to the engagement of Taoist Priest to conduct Funeral Ritual/Ceremony has dropped and so, not much people will be able to understand or see a Good "transformation" being done.

For Higher Res Pictures, feel free to visit this link:
More Info:

Heavenly Lord Tai Yi aka Lord Tai Yi, the high ranking Taoist Deity that take charge of Salvations for the Sufferings and also the Pity-Souls.

According to Taoist History, Lord Tai Yi was being honoured by the Taoists far before any other Taoist Deities were being known and pay respect. From there, we were able to know that Lord Tai Yi was a highly-respect Deity in the whole Culture and Practice.

Due to the misunderstandings and certain mixture of belief, in Taoist Culture, there are 2 Manifestation Anniversaries for Lord Tai Yi, 1 in the Seventh Month and 1 in the Eleventh Month.

If we will to track back the Records of our Upright Taoist Culture, the actual Anniversary shall fall on the 11th Day of Lunar 11 Month.

Okay, back to the main Topic.

In Singapore, it is totally impossible to find a Temple or Altar that honoured Lord Tai Yi and so, for those who are keen and interested in paying your respect to him, you can visit any Chinese Temples, just prepare the necessary offerings as shown below and then place them on the Main Altar of the Temple, you will be able to pay your respect to Lord Tai Yi.

If you wish to pay respect at home, that will be more encourage-able.

And so, what to prepare?

According to our Chinese Custom & Folks Practice, here are some recommended items to be prepared for the paying respect:

1 Five Oranges (桔子)
2 Longevity Noodles (壽麵)
3 Longevity Peaches (壽桃)
4 Ang Ku Kueh (紅龜粿)
5 Huat Kueh (發糕)
6 Rice Wine (米酒)
7 Chinese Tea (茶)
8 Paper Offerings (紙料)
9 Candles (蠟燭)
10 Flowers or Lotus (鮮花或蓮花)

Once all these stuffs are prepared and ready, placed them on the Main Altar in the Temple.

1st, pay respect to the Heaven & the Main Deities in the Temple/House, then proceed to the Main Altar where the Offerings are being placed.

Make a Bow in front of the Offerings and then sincerely kneel down and proceed with the following Passage (for those who know how to recite the Bao Gao of Lord Tai Yi):

Jin Feng.

Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Ku Tian Zun (Bow)

Qian Qiu Sheng Dan Zhi Qi.

南洋新加坡共和國。 (你的住址) 。
Nan Yang Xin Jia Po Gong He Guo. (Your Address)

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yu Ci

Qian Bei Bo Li Jiu Yi.

Jing Xiang.

Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Ku Tian Zun (Bow)

Qian Cheng Qing An. Qing He Sheng Dan.

Yu Ci Qian Qi.

Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Ku Tian Zun (Bow)

Tai Ping Hu Shi Wan Nian Ning. Yi Ding QianZai Fu Wu Ai

Tian Jiang Bi You Si Ji Chun. Zun Jia An Qian Kou Xie An

Yi You.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Yi Nian Ping An Chang Zai. Yue Yue Fu You Bu Dai.

Si Ji Shen Guang Pu Zhao. Wan Shi Sui Xin An Zai.

Yu Ci.

信士 (你的名字) 。及闔家同人。
Xin Shi (Your Name). Ji He Jia Tong Ren.

Jing Xiang.

Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Ku Tian Zun (Bow)

Xian San Bai Li.

Yi Bai. Zai Bai. San Bai. Li Cheng (Raise)

After rising, make another sincere Bow and then left the spot.

After about 15 minutes, retrieve the Paper-offerings and then burn them off.

And so, the whole Paying Respect to Lord Tai Yi is considered end.
Heavenly Lord Tai Yi Praise Poem (太乙救苦天尊行禮讚)
Tai Yi You Shi Fang
Weu Ku Shi Gan Lu

Pu Ji Zhong Ku Nan

Xian Chu Da Ci Guang

Sheng Zuo Jiu Se Lian

Hua Shen Zi Guang Xian
Ling Shi Hao Zhen Qian
Kun Yin Bian Nuan Tian
Bu Fen Pin Yu Qiong
Bu Fen Gui Gui Yu Jian
Bu Fen Gao Yu Xia
Bu Fen Nan Nv Bie
Zhi Xin Yi Gui Ming
Cheng Xin Nian Yi Bian
Tai Yi Jiu Ku Zun
Xian Shen Zai An Qian

Note: This is a Rare Praise Poem to be recited by the Taoists & Chinese in the Modern-day now.

For those who are sincerely and faithfully wanted to honour Tai Yi Tian Zun, beside reciting the Bao Gao aka Praise Incantation, can recite this Praise Poem first.

救苦天尊寶誥 (Jiu Ku Tian Zun Bao Gao) 

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

青華長樂界 東極妙嚴宮
Qing Hua Chang Le Jie, Dong Ji Miao Yan Gong 

七寶芳騫林 九色蓮花座 
Qi Bao Fang Qian Lin, Jiu Se Liu Hua Zuo

萬真環拱內 百億瑞光中 
Wan Zhen Huan Gong Nei, Bai Yi Rui Guang Zhong

玉清靈寶尊 應化玄元始 
Yu Qing Ling Bao Zun, Ying Hua Xuan Yuan Shi

浩劫垂慈濟 大千甘露門
Hao Jie Chui Ci Ji, Da Qian Gan Lu Men

妙道真身 紫金瑞相 
Miao Dao Zhen Shen, Zi Jin Rui Xiang

隨機赴感 誓願無邊
Sui Ji Fu Gan, Shi Yuan Wu Bian

大聖大慈 大悲大願 
Da Sheng Da Ci, Da Bei Da Yuan

十方化號 普度眾生
Shi Fang Hua Hao, Pu Du Zhong Sheng

億億劫中 度人無量 
Yi Yi Jie Zhong, Du Ren Wu Liang

Xun Sheng Fu Gan

Tai Yi Jiu Ku Tian Zun Qing Xuan Jiu Yang Shang Di

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