Thursday 22 November 2012

Banner of Tai Yi Tian Zun Bao Gao (太乙救苦天尊寶誥)

Tai Yi Tian Zun (太乙天尊) aka Tai Yi Xun Sheng Jiu Tian Zun (太乙尋聲救苦天尊) or Tai Yi Zhen Ren (太乙真人).

In Taoism, he is the main key-person who is being appointed to take charge of the task of doing salvation for all the suffering souls, whether is to salvage them out of the suffering Realms or salvage them and bring them to the Eastern Palace for enjoying of eternal joyous.

During Taoist funeral wakes' rituals/ceremonies, Tai Yi Tian Zun will be invited and the Priests that conduct the Ritual/Ceremony must recite scriptures that are dedicated or associated with Tai Yi Tian Zun.

Different mantras are being recited too, in-order to assists the passed-on person to get the necessary blessing from Tai Yi Tian Zun.

In Big Salvation Ritual/Ceremony, the Taoist Priest will have to recite the Official Title of Tai Yi Tian Zun and also to visualize one self turning into Tai Yi Tian Zun while releasing the Positive Energy or Light Ray to do the salvation of the suffering souls.

Today, such Ritual/Ceremony can still be seen, but due to the engagement of Taoist Priest to conduct Funeral Ritual/Ceremony has dropped and so, not much people will be able to understand or see a Good "transformation" being done.

For Higher Res Pictures, feel free to visit this link:

More info on Tai Yi:

Here's the 10 Direction Salvation Lords that Tai Yi Tian Zun manifest or transform to:

Dong Fang Yu Bao Huang Shang Tian Zun (East)

Nan Fang Xuan Zhen Wan Fu Tian Zun (South)

Xi Fang Tai Miao Zhi Ji Tian Zun (West)

Bei Fang Xuan Shang Yu Chen Tian Zun (North)

Dong Bei Fang Du Xian Shang Sheng Tian Zun (North-East)

Dong Nan Fang Hao Sheng Du Ming Tian Zun (South-East)

Xi Nan Fang Tai Ling Xu Huang Tian Zun (South-West)

Xi Bei Fang Wu Liang Tai Hua Tian Zun (North-West)

Shang Fang Yu Xu Ming Huang Tian Zun (Upper)

Xia Fang Zhen Huang Dong Shen Tian Zun (Lower)

In total, we address them as Shi Fang Jiu Ku Tian Zun.

In Taoism, we also believed that, the 10 Courts of Yama Kings are the manifestation of these 10 Directional Salvation Lords.

救苦天尊寶誥 (Jiu Ku Tian Zun Bao Gao) 

Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

青華長樂界 東極妙嚴宮
Qing Hua Chang Le Jie, Dong Ji Miao Yan Gong 

七寶芳騫林 九色蓮花座 
Qi Bao Fang Qian Lin, Jiu Se Liu Hua Zuo

萬真環拱內 百億瑞光中 
Wan Zhen Huan Gong Nei, Bai Yi Rui Guang Zhong

玉清靈寶尊 應化玄元始 
Yu Qing Ling Bao Zun, Ying Hua Xuan Yuan Shi

浩劫垂慈濟 大千甘露門
Hao Jie Chui Ci Ji, Da Qian Gan Lu Men

妙道真身 紫金瑞相 
Miao Dao Zhen Shen, Zi Jin Rui Xiang

隨機赴感 誓願無邊
Sui Ji Fu Gan, Shi Yuan Wu Bian

大聖大慈 大悲大願 
Da Sheng Da Ci, Da Bei Da Yuan

十方化號 普度眾生
Shi Fang Hua Hao, Pu Du Zhong Sheng

億億劫中 度人無量 
Yi Yi Jie Zhong, Du Ren Wu Liang

Xun Sheng Fu Gan

Tai Yi Jiu Ku Tian Zun Qing Xuan Jiu Yang Shang Di

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