Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Lunar Valentines' Day 2012 (巧月初七七巧日)

On the 7th Day of Lunar 7 Month (農曆七月初七日), it's known as the Lunar Valentines' Day in Chinese Culture. In other contexts, this Day is also known as Qi Qiao (七巧) or Qi Xi (七夕).

For Year 2012, it falls on 23 Aug, a Thursday.

In the Ancient Era, on this Day, the non-married Ladies will set up altars in the backyard of their house, to honour the Seven Maidens aka Qi Xian Nv (七仙女) for the Blessing for getting a Good Marriage.

Besides that, the Ladies will also request for the Blessing of getting more Prettier by offering of Cosmetics to the Seven Maidens.

Higher Res Picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=265689103547881&set=oa.383884105011776&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

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