Tuesday 10 July 2012

Introduction on Nanyang Huang Gu Niang (南洋龜仔山黃姑娘簡介)

In Singapore, besides Lin Gu Niang aka Maiden Lim (紅山林姑娘) and Lei Gu Niang aka Maiden Lei (四腳亭雷姑娘), we actually have another wonderful Lady Immortal that had not left us in this Mortal Realm.

A lot of people had been approaching Jave on the background of the Huang Gu Niang aka Maiden Ng, after Jave shared a brief introduction on her years & months back.

After doing some interviews & researches, finally Jave got some info on her and using the opportunity when I’m in Singapore General Hospital, Jave went to Hospital Drive (somewhere opposite the Sikh Temple) to take a picture of the rundown Shrine that dedicated to Maiden Ng.

Here it goes with the story;

According to the records, Huang Gu Niang’s full name was Huang Su Ying (黃素英), in Hokkien as Ng Shor Eng and some will addressed her in Cantonese as Wong Sok Eng.

She was born in Qing, Tong Zhi 5th Year, which was 1866, 12th Day of Lunar 6 Month (生于清同治五年﹐農曆六月十二日). Residing in the Kampong located in Ghoo A’ Sua (龜仔山), which is now known as Kampong Silat (甘榜石叻).

Since young, she had been trying her best to learn whatever she wanted but due to she was born in a poor family, she had to assist her mother in doing the laundry for people in-order to earn that minimal income to support the family.

In Year 1879, when Maiden Ng was 14 years old, she followed her Paternal Aunty Mdm Ng to do laundry-washing at Kandang Kerbau Hospital (竹腳婦幼醫院). At that period, the scale of KK Hospital was small and so, the income that they earned had to go to Maiden Ng’s Aunty (黃姑娘生前為新加坡竹腳婦幼醫院之浣洗娘).

In Year 1882, Singapore General Hospital had relocated to the current location and so, by testing their luck, Maiden Ng & her Aunty had approached the Hospital, seeking for a job as Cleaner & Laundry-assistant. With approval, they were being accepted. From then, Maiden Ng to work in SGH until one day, she was being approached by a Doctor whom had been observing Maiden Ng for quite some time.

At first, Maiden Ng was shocked but after knowing the objective of the Doctor’s approaching, Maiden Ng accepted the Doctor’s suggestion – trained her as a Nurse.

Using few years of learning, at the age of 34, Year 1900, Maiden Ng was able to take care of patients & also, assisting the Pharmacy Department to prescribe medicines.

In Year 1901 (清光緒廿七年), just before the Festival of Qing Ming (臨近清明期間), a Kampong that situated somewhere near to Kampong Silat was on fire, due to it was at night, a lot of villagers were not aware of the sudden fire attacking and so, quite a number of houses were being burnt off (黃姑娘所居住區內發生火患).

Immediately after getting the news on the injuries, Maiden Ng did not hesitated to volunteer herself at the fire site to assist the injuries. With a dash, she ran to the fire site.

Trying her best to save as many villagers as possible, she had somehow neglected the burning houses might collapsed at anytime (因黃姑娘原本就懷著醫者之德﹐在火患發生後﹐黃姑娘奮不顧身的闖進失火房屋內搶救困于屋中的人們).

And out of a sudden, a loud bang sound was heard, the house that Maiden Ng was inside, trying her best to assist an old lady out, had collapsed (當黃姑娘在一所被燒的不堪入目的房屋救人時﹐整所房屋不甚倒塌).

Most of the eye-witnesses tried their best to dash into the collapsed house, but none of them were able to approach it as the fire was too big and brave (週圍人們想前往搭救﹐但因火勢過猛﹐因此無人能接近該倒塌房屋).

From then, no one had seen Maiden Ng (從那時起﹐就再也無人看到黃姑娘的蹤跡了).

According to some people whom were more Spiritual Sensitive, they had seen the Spirit of Maiden Ng standing at the cross-junction of where her Shrine & the Old Earth Deity Temple were many decades back.

And about 20 years back-dated from today, a simple Shrine was constructed to honour Maiden Ng at Hospital Drive, hoping that she could looked after all the Patients that had visit SGH for treatment and also, no accidents to happen in the area. If we will to realise one thing, indeed after the Shrine had been set-up, no accidents were reported at the Hospital Drive, neither the road opposite it.


And this was the story of Maiden Ng & the Mystery Shrine that stand along Hospital Drive.

Additional Points;

According to the elderly, for those who have approached Maiden Ng for the blessing of Health, if on that very night after the honouring, the patient dream of a Big White Spider or Spider with long legs, the chances of getting his illness cured will be high (黃姑娘常化身白色蜘蛛﹐入身患有重病之夢中﹐為該病患治療).


  1. Thanks to my dearest Taoist Bro Ronni for sharing more info on KK Hospital:

    In the earlier period of KK Hospital being established, the Hospital was also being tasked to take care of Mentally-unsound patients.

  2. An old picture taken in Year 2009 by Google Map of the Shrine along Hospital Drive.

  3. Is she consider as cultivated semi god?

  4. She don't considered as a ghost neither a semi-god.

    Her case is a bit different to Lin Gu Niang's case.

    We can only classified her as a form of Ancestor Honoring.

  5. yes, i agreed with you, brother javewu, "Ancestor Honoring"...how about some info of Lin Gu Niang???

  6. Will share more on Lin Gu Niang soon


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