Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Structures & Significant of the various Artefacts in a New Temple (新廟構造順乾坤)

Some people are asking me why recently I was doing posting on the various issues that were closely associated with the Building of a New Temple rather than I had neglected posting on Taoism or Deities.

In here, I will like to apologise to those who are concerned in this issue.

One reason is that, recently Jave was being engaged as one of the Consultants for the New Temple that will be Opening in next year, before Lunar New Year, so on hand, I got a few interesting information to share on.

Secondly, all these are also part of the Taoist Culture that All of you here shall know or understand.

Ok, not to delay further, here’s the new write up for today.

After interacting and finding out from many of the new constructors of Temples recently, many of them do not really concerned on the Traditional Construction of the Temple neither they will do accordingly to the Instructions that had been pass-down by our Masters in the past. This is really a very sad thing to know and also, disappointment of how our Chinese Culture or Taoist Skills had deteriorated.

Ok, last week, Jave had mentioned about the Ground Breaking & Enhancing, besides that, on the Door. Today Jave will like to touch on the 10 Important Features that a lot of our local Temples had neglected.

So what are these 10 Features?

Usually these 10 Features are constructed using the 10 Significant/Symbolism of the 10 Nature Items that we can see in these 3 Realms (三界) with auspicious meaning.

They are as followed:

1 – One (一): 元始萬物.

Usually there will be a Round Mirror (圓鏡) or Ball on top of the Temple Roof or Main Door to represent the NULL in Taoism. Some people will construct this together with the Fiery Ball (火龍珠) of the Dragons on the Roof-top.

2 – Two (二/雙): 陰陽相互.

The Yin Yang signs must be obvious on the Left & Right of the Temple. Some people might used the paintings of the Sun & Moon (日月) to represent or some will just get the 2 Sun & Moon Lords (太陰太陽星君) porcelain statues to be installed at the Roof top of the Temple, this is more commonly seen in Taiwan.

For Yin Yang here, it is not referring to the Yin Yang as in the Ba Gua (八卦).

3 – Three (三): 三陽開泰/三星入戶.

Many people will tend to use the statues of the Three Star Lords Fu Lu Shou (福祿壽三星) to represent the 三星 and installed them on top of the Roof. I cant commented that this is wrong, but in Taoism, these 三星 is actually referring to San Tai (三台星) – the combination group of Star Lords that are in-charge of our Life & Death.

This shall be constructed at the Main Door or above the Main Entrance of the Temple (山門). Need not to have any physical statues of any Deities, just by painting the Three Stars in the San Tai Formation will be good enough.

4 – Four (四): 四靈座鎮/四方聚鼎.

Newly constructed Temple nowadays usually neglected the四方聚鼎. This is actually referring to the 4 Main Pillars around the Temple. Some Temples will only have 2 obvious Pillars at the front of the Main Door but at the back, there isn’t any, which this is a very inaccurate construction for a Temple.

四靈座鎮 referring to a few methods:

4.1 – the Enhancing of the Four Corners by burying the Four Spiritual Animals Talismans and Spiritual Items

4.2 – the Installation of the Four Spiritual Animals Talismans inside the Temple

4.3 – the Installation of the Enhanced Flags/Banners of the Four Spiritual Animals Talismans outside the Temple

5 – Five (五): 五方聚氣/五世其昌.

This is to usher in the Five Elements’ Energy into the Temple by correctly placing the Enhanced Spiritual Objects in the Five Directions around the Temple (including the Main Ba Gua Mirror in the Temple).

Another features to mention is that, the五世其昌 plaque (with Five Lions’ carving) is gone from many newly constructed Temples. These plaques shall be installed along the pathway directly outside the Main Hall as to request for the Long-lasting Operation Blessing for the Temple (according to the 60 years cycle).

Please refer to the pictures attached in here.

6 – Six (六): 六星順運.

Again, many Temples had not included the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper in the construction of the Temple. This will be needed to be place on the South Direction of the Temple.

7 – Seven (七): 七星護命.

Another feature of the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper is gone. Some Temples might have it, but not in the correct position.

In other contexts, this may also refers to 七氣聚頂. This is to construct the different levels of Colored Energies in the various point of the Temple to gather the positive energies to secure the Temple. But to some people, this might sounds like Tibetian Buddhism.

8/9 – Eight (八) & Nine (九): 八卦九宮.

The Ba Gua (八卦) here is not referring to any normal painting Ba Gua in or outside the Temple, but referring to the Ba Gua that is being buried in some point of the Temple to gather the Positive Energy and also, to assist the Mediums (if any) in the Temple while conducting their regular consultation task.

Jiu Gong (九宮) referring to a Special Mirror that being used together with the Ba Gua Plate while being buried into the Ground inside the Temple.

10 – Ten (十): 十合圓融.

For Ten, this is the most difficult one to construct as the Temple will need to have 10 Sharp-pointed Angles & 10 Rounded Features to be placed together to represent the 10 Spiritual Directions in the Three Realms (三界).

The most Significant one that we can see is only in China, inside the Imperial City (北京紫禁城).

Last of all, when you are on your next visit to Temples in Singapore, do look out for the various features mentioned here, see how many of them you can find in a Temple. The more of such features can be found, meaning that, the oldest the Temple will be.

1 comment:

  1. As Jave was mentioning that a Special Ba Gua aka Trigram (八卦) must be constructed in the Temple in-order to evoke certain Positive Energies from the surrounding to be directed into the Temple.

    In Taiwan, Taipei Mu Za Zhi Nan Gong (台灣台北市文山區木柵指南山), in this Temple, it got a very Unique & Official one.

    Please do take a look on how an Official Temple will construct the Right Features.


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