Friday 1 June 2012

Japanese Talisman for Tian She Ri (日本神道文化之天赦日平安符)


A lot of people might only think that only Taoists and Chinese will celebrate Tian She Ri (天赦日).

Actually this is not very correct.

Due to Chinese Culture had spread-out to various Countries during Tang Dynasty (唐朝初期), the practises of Tian She Ri were being brought over to Japan (日本東瀛), Korea (韓國朝鮮) & even some part of South East Asia (東南亞).

Till today, Japaneses & Koreans still visit Shinto Temples to get their Tian She Ri Blessing from the High Priests or Spiritual Masters and from what was being recorded, Tian She Ri was considered as the few Important Days that the Japaneses and Koreans will participate fully in the celebration.

So in here, you all will be seeing a Japanese Tian She Ri Talisman (天赦日平安符) that the Japaneses will request from the Temple and brought home to paste in the House for Warding-off Negative Enetities and getting the Good Luck Enhancement for the whole family.

1 comment:

  1. During Tian She Day (天赦日), there are a few things/signs to look into or get alert to, in-order to predict the household luck for the next 1-2 months.

    These few things/signs are as followed:

    1) those with Pets at home, on this Day, if the Pets keep Barking or making some funny noises, do be awared that the Elders at home might get invaded with Illnesses or Sicknesses

    2) those with Infants under Lunar age of 3 years old, if the Infant starts crying non-stop on the beginning hour of Tian She Day, please be aware of the physical health of the Infant and try to be more extra careful on the food the Infant consume

    3) on Tian She Day, if any Adult will to trip and fall, the Adult must be more aware while walking on public pavement or driving on the road, he/she might get involved in Accident anytime during the interval of the current Tian She Day to the next upcoming Tian She Day


    一) 家中寵物在天赦日子時起開始亂吠/叫﹐請務必注意家中老人之身體狀況。一至二個月內﹐家中老人極有可能受莫名疾病感染

    二) 虛歲不到三歲之嬰孩如若在天赦日子時起開始啼哭﹐大人務必注意此嬰孩之身體狀況。可能在一至二個月內﹐感染腸胃疾病

    三) 在天赦日當天﹐如若有任何大人在路上行走是不甚跌倒﹐請務必在一至二個月內注意路上安全﹐如一時大意﹐將後悔莫及


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