Tuesday 24 January 2012

Overall In-charge Deity of Wealth Descending Day for Ren Chen Year 2012 (壬辰年督財總管財神下降日)

On the 5th Day of Lunar 1st Month (農曆正月初五日), it is known as Ge Kai Day (隔開日) or means that the Day to Retrieve or Remove the Lunar New Year Offerings from the Deities Altar.

For more info, please proceed to this link: http://javewu.multiply.com/reviews/item/123

And besides that, in Taoist & Chinese Culture, it is also known as the Descending Day or the Reporting Day for the Overall-In-charge Deity of Wealth to the Mortal Realm to Inspect and also to distribute the necessary Wealth Blessing for the Mortals for the next 12 Lunar Months.

According to Taoist Deities of Wealth’s Rotation Shift Chart, this Year, it was Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明達天君), which is also the Leader of the Rotation Shift 24 Deities of Wealth (道教督財廿四值年財神).

So who are the 24 Deities of Wealth?

In the following are All the Titles of them:

Deity of Prosperity 福神
Deity of Fortune祿神
Deity of Longevity壽神
Deity of Happiness喜神
Wealth Deity- Fan Li財神(范蠡)
The Academically Deity of Wealth – Bi Gan文財神(比干)
The Militarically Deity of Wealth武財神
The Superior Deity of Wealth正財神
The Subordinary Deity of Wealth 偏財神
The Joyous Deity of Wealth 樂財神
The Richgrowing Deity of Wealth富財神
The Intellectual Deity of Wealth智財神
The Benefactory Deity of Wealth貴財神
The Wealth Gathering Deity of Wealth聚寶財神
The Luck Increasing Deity of Wealth添喜財神
The Luck Obtaining Deity of Wealth結喜財神
The Career Deity of Wealth祿元財神
The Recording Deity of Wealth計元財神
The Auspicious Astronomic Deity of Wealth 黃道財神
The Ordering of Wealth; Deity of Wealth司令財神
The Requestingof Wealth; Deity of Wealth難得財神
The Mysterical Deity of Wealth點金財神
The Found & Gone Deity of Wealth流泗財神
The Three Realms In-charge Deity of Wealth三界赦財神


  1. Hi Jave, hope your having a great New Year's with good wishes of wealth and prosperity :) I had no idea there were so many Wealth Gods, I thought there were only 5 of them. Just a question about Ushering the Deity of Wealth on this Friday, are we supposed to burn 5 sticks of incense to usher the wealth god? Also are we supposed to face a certain direction (wealth direction) for ushering the wealth god? It is also the day to honour the Five Directional Gods on this day too, so should I place an altar outside my main door?

  2. Dear Andrew,

    You can proceed to this link for more info on the offerings: http://javewu.multiply.com/reviews/item/123

    Actually you no need to place ur altar outside, you just need to place all the offerings on your main altar for the ushering in of the Deities of Wealth


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