Sunday 2 October 2011

Tian Gong Temple 9th Mth Honouring of Dipper Ritual 2011 - (新加坡天公廟辛卯年朝禮九皇祝燈法會)

After 2 weeks of intensive training and preparation, on the 5th Day of Lunar 9 Month (1st Oct 2011), the Honouring of the Dipper Lords of the North (中天北斗九皇星君) was being conducted at Tian Gong Temple by LSM and the various Taoists.

At 8.00Am, Ruihe, Royce and Jave arrived at the Temple and Uncle Tan was already there doing the last minute preparation for the Main Ceremony to be conducted.

By 8.30Am, Jave was ready and just as Jave was about to initial the starting of the Ceremony, the Filming Crews arrived at the Temple. With a short introducing of each other, Jave proceed with the Ritual on the Cleansing of the Ritual Premises (禁封淨壇).

With the completion of the Cleansing of the Ritual Premises, the Dotting of the Statues of the Three Lords of San Tai was being conducted (中天三公三台星君開光儀式) and by then, Jave proceed with the Ritual of the Ushering in of the High Level Deities (恭迎三界). And also, after the arrival of the High Level Deities, Jave conducted the Luck-blessing Ceremony for a Mother and Daughter – being instructed by Uncle Tan.

At 11.30Am, the 2 Initial Rituals ended and this was the time that Producer Wendy from the Production Group requested Jave for a short Interview on Taoism and the History behind the 9th Month Celebration.

At about 12.30Noon, the Interview completed and so, LSM proceed with the chanting of the Qing Jing Jing aka Scripture of the Supreme Lord explaining the Purity & Serenity of Taoism (太上清靜經). This chanting was being chanted by Donnie Tay, Vabien Lee, Lin Ruihe, Royce Tan and Jave.

After the chanting of Qing Jing Jing, it was time for Jave to conduct the various enhancing of Spiritual Objects for Jia Fu Jing (新加坡嘉福境), Long Shan Zhi De Fu (龍山至德府), Long Shan Fei Jie Fu (龍山飛捷府) and also, Long Shan Wei Ling Fu (龍山威靈府).

By 2.00Pm, the Major Ritual began.

With the Reporting of to Dou Mu Yuan Jun (斗姆元君), Dou Fu Tian Zun (斗父天尊) and the various Dipper Lords (中天斗府諸斗星君), the Honouring of the Dipper Lords for the Eliminating of Sins & Debts and requesting for Health-blessing was being conducted (禮斗消災延壽朝禮法會).

In this Honouring, Donnie Tay, Vabien Lee, Lin Ruihe, Royce Tan, Gerald Lim and Uncle Tan were being involved.

Upon the completion of the Honouring, each individual Devotees were being called forward to get the Initiation Blessing from the Dipper Lords.

By 3.30Pm, the whole Honouring Ritual was completed and followed by All the Disciples making respect to the Founder of LSM – due to it was also LSM Founding Anniversary for 1136th Year (正一龍山門開山一一三六週年紀念).

By 4.00Pm, Royce Tan was there to offer Tea to Jave for the Entering into LSM (正一龍山門入門拜師儀式) and by 4.30Pm, the Reporting and Accepting of Royce was Disciple’s Ceremony was being conducted by Vabien and Ruihe.

At about 5.00Pm, a mini Celebration for Jave’s Birthday was carried-out, million thanks to Bro Chee Seng and Sis-in-law Cherie for getting the Wonderful Fruit-cake for Jave. Jave was really really very touch with All my Family Members celebrating my 31st Birthday with me.

At 6.00Pm, we left the Temple and headed back for preparation for LSM’s own Honouring of Dou Mu on the 6th Day of Lunar 9 Month.

This Year, LSM had achieved a lot of Special Tasks, million thanks to All for providing LSM your fullest support (in mentally, physically, financially, etc).

Last, will like to thank Royce and Jerry for the taking the photos.


  1. Nice write up ... and some great photos ...

  2. Thanks bro ;) hope to catch up with you soon ;)

  3. Hi Jave, ist 7th day of Lunar 9th month also special day to honour Lord BeiDou and DouMu?

  4. Yup, today is a good day too :P


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