Monday 15 August 2011

He Bi Shan Temple 7th Month Ritual 2011 – Part 5 Sending the Souls (何碧山宮辛卯年中元法會之五:回歸長樂界)

At 6.30Pm, it was the Time for the Descendants & Family Members to send off the Souls back to the Source. It somehow had the sad feeling and bitter sensing in the atmosphere, but knowing that the Souls were be lead back to a Source that they wouldn’t be getting anymore sufferings, somehow it comforts them.

With the Descendants & Family Members carrying the Soul Tablets to pay respect to Lord Emperor Dong Yue (東嶽泰山大帝) – the Overall In-charge Deity for the Souls & Spiritual Coffer Money, the Souls were being lead to cross the Immortal Bridges (府天橋/朱陵府/開光橋) before the Sending-off.

While Jave, Vabien & Ruihe were there to lead the Souls to cross the Bridges, Taoist Senior Bing Sen (陳炳森道兄前輩) was there to assist the Descendants & Family Members to stack the Coffer Boxes in place in-order to allowed the Souls to collect their parcels easily in the other “Source”.

Before the Souls were being Sent Off, Bro Chee Seng was there to represent the whole of He Bi Shan Temple’s Committee and Members to offer Wine to the Souls and Bid Farewell with his Ancestors.

By walking 3 rounds around the Big Burning Urn, each of the Descendants & Family Members were to call out the Name of the Pass-on to collect their Belongings and once the Fire was being lighted, everyone would to stand a Big Round to secure the Burning from being invaded by the other Beings.

With satisfaction from All the People, the Sending Off was conducted successfully.

Just before everyone head home, each of them was being advised to Pull an Ancient Coin from the Tied Red String, this was an Old Traditional Practise of Disconnecting All the Negative Energies and dedicating Good Blessings to the Ancestors and also the Family Members (解結解冤慶結喜).

By 10.00Pm, we called it a Day and everyone headed home to rest and get ready for the Happy Occasion that took place on the 15th Day of Lunar 7 Month (巧月十五日中元喜典).

Million Thanks to Taoist Bro Jerry Ong for sharing with us the wonderful Pictures.


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