Tuesday 23 August 2011

Boosting of Self Positive Energy after Lunar 7 Month (農曆七月後之提昇自身陽氣)


This Week, quite a number of people had approached Jave for Luck Blessing & Cleansing on the 1st Day of Lunar 8 Month, cos they worried that certain Negative Energies might had stick to them due to the Lunar 7th Month Culture.

One advise from Jave is that, do not worried too much on the Negative Energies Affecting Oneself, cos if Oneself did not do anything Wrong or Harm any Beings, Oneself will be Fine and to be more accurate, Lunar 7th Month is not a Ghost Month, so nothing to worry of.

But if Oneself still felt that, One’s Physical Body or Mind is being affected, in the following is a quick Method to get rid of Negative Energies/Entities that stick to Oneself (this Method is also used for those who are suspected to be possessed):

Ingredients (所須用料):

1 – Lemongrass 3 sticks (香茅草三根)

2 - Thai Lime 3 pieces (泰國酸柑三顆)

3 – Yellow Ginger Small Quantity (黃姜少許)

4 – Raw Glutinous Rice 1 Spoonful (生糯米一湯匙)

Firstly, cut the Lemongrass into 3 portions

Secondly, cut the Thai Lime into Half.

Thirdly, smash the Yellow Ginger.

Once all the above are ready, prepare a Basin of 70% Hot Water.

Add in All the Items from 1 – 4, stir the Mixture well.
(再將所有用料1-4﹐ 放置水中。輕輕攪拌)

Leave it for 5 minutes, once time is up, use the Mixture to wash the Body.

After washing the Body, drink a cup of Luke-warm Water and rest for 15 minute. During this 15 minutes, Oneself shall not engaged in any form of activities.

Best timing to do this Cleansing is at 9.00Pm – 11.00Pm.

For more Cleansing Methods, please do proceed to the following Link:


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