Wednesday 18 May 2011

Mediumship and Practises of a Medium (靈乩之說)



1、靈乩:首先都俱備有先天使命,是大道普傳;大道 降世的開道先鋒,他必需忠誠嚴格執行既有的神聖工作;將上蒼,無形界至尊實貴人間無有的資訊傳遞給上天的子民—黎民百姓們,藉以知道天時、道運、天機、道法、及當下未來修道行道辦道者的工程方向及指標,所以可以說靈乩們就是先知、天使、道門之寶、行道開道的先鋒。





1、 口乩(文乩)雖然他(她)們自己未讀過書,不識文字,


2、 武乩(乩童)就是一般宮壇寺廟中的乩童,他(她)們除有部份先天的資賦外,還需後天的師徒相傳,為師者用其獨有之法門,用「觀」「關」「符」及「樂聲」等交相配合訓練而出,再由其本身之苦練虔修,宏揚神道天理佛法,醫病除災化劫救苦之功德,幾其之表、裡、行、止…來給人類作世界上確有神、佛、靈界存在的見證,明白的告訴人們,「離頭三尺有神明」,「神目如電」,「人在做,天在看」,「諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,必得天助神佑」是「必真不假的事實」。反之人們若不行正道,不守道德,違犯良心天理作事者,皆難逃恢恢天網!這是武乩的使命與功德!

3、 筆乩—「亦屬文乩」,其傳遞、佈道的方法,就是先練淨心淨性至而心志貫一,可與上蒼,無形界通電,進而用沙盤、懸筆、手筆、紙筆開寫出勸世救急之文,點醒現場迷昧錯誤之徒或著其再接再勵,或令其「回頭是岸」或作善書刊佈。惟近年來文乩與文人混合難分,致所謂「善書」,「善誌」…氾濫成災!作者出版者…反而無功招過,更有以此作募款斂財之工具者致花樣百出,比比皆是,真是人類惡質,愧對上蒼!人們的利慾燻心之可怕,連老天都因而有「失算」之處。




  1. A very good sharing from one of the Taoists in Taiwan.

    Sorry that for the moment, only the Chinese write-up is being posted.

    Will try to do a english translation soon.

  2. Hi Master, thanks for the informative article. According to the descriptions on the 3 types of mediums, the most common one in Singapore is the 2nd one right? Any idea where can we see the first type or third type here?

  3. 3rd type still got, usually they used the so-called Y sticks to provide advises for the devotees.

  4. << - A Medium, shall be a Selected One and not a “Trained One”. What we mean by a Selected One, meaning that this person is born with certain Extraordinary Spiritual Power, such as Prediction or can travel into the other Spiritual Plane. Whenever this type of People started to calm down, they will be able to see certain Images (which in Science, maybe Science called them Illusions) and from the Images, they will be able to predict certain issues or giving certain advises to the devotees.>>

    I love the above explanation, it should be Selected but not "Train One". Again I have nothing against trained medium as most of them do it out of their good heart.

    Regardless of which type medium belong to, most importantly is able to help devotees spiritually and let them understand more about life and encourage devotees not to be too 迷信..

  5. Yup, what you mentioned here is really important. But alot of people dont understand and this is why, alot of the devotees are being mislead.

  6. I have nothing against mediums, but just want to ask, are the mediums really possessed by deities or by spirits of a certain level of cultivation? =)

  7. Some people may say that is a form of possessed, some are by communication with spirits and some are thru mediation to get messages.

    This is why, in Mediumship, there are a few categories.

  8. Hi, what if the person falls on cat 1, and he choose to ignore, will he be rejected on going from his 'boss' un future?..

  9. This is rare to see cat 1 in spore, but if a person choose to ignore, at certain period of time, the energy will be transferred to the people ard him/her, such as the children or siblings.


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