Friday 4 March 2011

Lord of Sun Uprising the Court for Xin Mao Year 2011 (辛卯年日宮太陽帝君升殿朝)

According to Taoist Contexts and Chinese Culture Records, on the 1st Day of Lunar 2 Month (農曆二月初一日) is considered as the Court Rising Day for Lord of Sun aka Tai Yang Di Jun (太陽帝君).

Some Contexts recorded as 3 Years once, but some said, Once in every Year.

During the Court Rising Day, Lord of Sun will be put in-charge of doing Planning & Announcing of the Movements of All different Stars for the Particular Years (注當年星辰運行之象) and also, to fix the “Brightness” of each Star that link to a Living Being (定全年元辰光明之銳), which later being used in Prediction Skills that Geomancy or Luck-telling Masters practiced.

Besides that, this is also a Day to gain the necessary Blessing of Brightness from Lord of Sun to eliminate the “Darkness (除晦)”, “Dampness (去霉)” and “Negative (解厄)” from One’s Surrounding.

In the Past, Taoists & Chinese would Face South during the Horse Hour (午時), which is equivalent to 11.00Am till 1.00Pm in now’s timing, to pay respect to Lord of Sun or to so-called Usher him into the Mortal Realm.

To honour Lord of Sun is quite simple, Oneself just needed to prepare 3 sticks of Long Incenses (三柱長壽香), 3 cups of Chinese Tea (三杯清茶), 3 Candles (三盞全天斗燭 - best for 24 Hours) and a set of Gold Paper (一疊三寶金/壽金) will do.

After the Honouring, just placed the 3 Candles on an Altar or at a High-level Spot and then, burnt off the Paper Offerings.

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