Thursday 31 March 2011

Long Shan Men Spring Qing Ming Ancestor Honouring 2011 (辛卯年正一龍山門春季清明祭祖)

Its again the Year the Qing Ming Period and we, LSM, will be conducting a simple Ancestor Honouring during this important festival (春季清明祭祖).

The Honouring of LSM Ancestors will be conducted on the 1st Day of Lunar 3 Month (農曆三月初一日), which falls on 3 Apr 2011, a Sunday. Timing starting from 9.00Am till 11.00Am (巳時).

This Year, Zheng Yi Long Shan Du Cai Fu (正一龍山督財府), which is lead by Gerald Lim, will be holding the Honouring Ceremony.

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1 comment:

  1. Long Shan Men's Qing Ming Ancestor Honouring will be postponed. Fei Jie Fu (正一龍山飛捷府) & Zhi De Fu (正一龍山至德府) will be taking over the Duty to conduct the Honouring on the upcoming Weeks.


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