Sunday 30 January 2011

Long Shan Men Luck Blessing Ceremony for Lunar New Year 2011 (正一龍山門歲末迎新補庫點燈祈福法會)

On the 26th Day of Lunar 12 Month (農曆臘月廿六日 29 Jan 2011), at around 10.00Am, Jave arrived at Telok Blangah Tian Gong Temple (天公廟) to make the necessary preparation for the Thanksgiving Ceremony dedicating to the Main Deities in the Temple.

At 3.00Pm, the Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer Ritual started.

First, by making Invitation to the Deities that were involved in the Ritual, followed by making Reports to the Deities & the Celestial Realm and last, conducting the Chanting for the Devotees.

The whole Ritual took about an hour and followed-by was the Lighting of the Luck-enhancing Lamps.

With the Blessing from the Northern Dipper aka Bei Dou Xing Jun (北斗星君) and Lord of Fire aka Huo De Xing Jun (火德星君), the Lamps were being lit with the enhanced Candle.

With the completion of the Lighting of the Lamps, the Day’s Event was considered smoothly ended. With that, we proceed to the Sending-off of the Spiritual Coffer Money.

In Picture 17 – 19, Vabien was making Special request to Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (玉皇大天尊) and Dong Yue Da Di (東嶽大帝) for himself and on-behalf of Ruihe – whom was not able to attend due to NS duty.

It was happy to see many old friends and a few new friends coming to join in this Ceremony.

Million Thanks to Taoist Bro Royce & Kairns for assisting in the Ceremony and taking Pictures.

For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:


  1. No, need to invite him, as he is the main Boss for this Ritual.

  2. what do these 9 candles represent? I just know the 7 candles represents Bei Dou Stars

  3. Happy New Year to you too :P

  4. Representing the 9 Stars of the Bei Dou Group.


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