Wednesday 19 January 2011

Court Upraising Day of Heavenly Marshals for Geng Yin Year (庚寅年道教護法天君陞府朝)

In Taoist Culture, on the 17th Day of Lunar 12 Month, it is known as the Court Upraising Day of Taoist Protectors & Heavenly Marshals (道教護法天君陞府朝), meaning All Taoist Protectors & Heavenly Marshals will return back to the Celestial Realms and summoning of their Subordinates back for "Annual General Meeting" and Distributing of Tasks for the Upcoming Year.

And this is why, in Taoist or Chinese Culture, after Wei Ya Day (尾牙), alot of Taoist Groups will start to cease operation until the New Year arrives.

On this Day, usually the Taoist Priests will conduct Major Feast for Rewarding the Heavenly Marshals & Armies for their Hardship for the past 12 Months (犒賞三界護法).

Nowadays, it is rare to see such Ceremonies being conducted.

For High Res Picture on this Banner, please proceed to this link:


  1. how can i have a high res copy of this Heavenly Marshals pic. where can i download them

  2. Thanks alot for the picture, Do you have one without any texts on the background? and also do you have high res pictures for the 10 chambers of hades?

  3. For the moment, all the pictures are being used with the Text. Will update you when new scrolls are being posted.


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