Thursday 22 April 2010

Introduction on the Dipper Lamp aka Dou Deng/Shou (道教斗燈/斗首之簡介)

In here, Jave will like to make a brief introduction on the Dipper Lamp, in Chinese known as Dou Deng (斗燈) or Dou Shou (斗首).

I’m sure that many People have come across this but in actual fact, not much People know about the Major Purpose of the Usage of Dou Deng.

In Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies, usually such Dou Deng will be Enhanced or Lighted during the Major Ritual on the Honouring of Dou Mu (斗母元君) & Lords of the Northern Dippers (北斗九皇賜福星君). The Main Purpose of the Enhancing & Lighting of the Dou Deng was to request for Eliminating of Excess Sins & Debts (消災解厄) and also, to request for the Prolonging of One’s Parents’ Life (延生長壽).

In Taoism, there are also quite a few different Rituals/Ceremonies that needed such Dou Deng, such Rituals are known as

1 Lunar New Year Luck Blessing (新春祈福禮斗)
2 Scholar Knowledge Blessing (文昌長智禮斗)
3 Business Enhancing Blessing (生意通順禮斗)
4 etc

During the Enhancing or Lighting of such Dou Deng, Official & Trained Taoist Priests/Masters must be engaged. Before the Dou Deng was being Enhanced or Lighted, the Priests/Masters were requested for One’s Chinese Name, DOB & Residential Address, in-order for them to do the Official Spiritual Reporting to the Celestial Realms and Deities for Inspection.

Due to Commercialization & Money-making-factors, many other Non Taoist Groups or Faiths are performing such Rituals/Ceremonies for Devotees, which I can said that, this is a form of Distorting our Taoist Culture. For those who understand the Real Origin of such Dipper Lamps, please do not get conned by those Non Taoist People whom performed the Blessing for you. Cos usually, the result that in-return can be serious or fatal.

Ok, back to the Ritual/Ceremony on the Enhancing of the Dou Deng. Once the Particulars were being recorded, the Priests/Masters were found a good Day to perform the Ritual. On the Day, a 30 minutes Taoist Ritual known as Kai Dou (開斗科儀) will be conducted. In the Ritual, the Priests/Masters were Invite the Necessary Associated Deities to witness the Ritual and also, Reports will be made to them in-order for the Requesting of Blessing.

Due to nowadays, many People are not aware of this Kai Dou and lesser Trained Priests are being trained on such a Ritual, during Temple Celebrations, seldom Priests/Masters will performed the Kai Dou for them. So for those who know, please do request for the Ritual to be conducted, as a Dou Deng can considered very Important to a Temple or Group and if this is not being conducted well, the next 3 years, a lot of issues will be affected.

In the Ritual, the various Spiritual Items that can be found on the Dou Deng will be enhanced and after enhancing, the Spiritual Items will be used to bless on Individual Devotees before it is being placed into the Dipper Lamp Holder. Just before the Ritual ends, the Priests/Masters will invite/enhance the Last Item in the Dou Deng – which is the Spiritual Fire (丙丁火), for the Blessing of Brightness & also Requesting for Longevity (光明延壽).

Once this is done, the whole Ritual will considered as Smoothly Conducted.

Remember, once the Dipper Lamp is being Enhanced or Lighted, it shall not be Blown-off or Kept. This Dipper Lamp must be well maintained as long as possible.

Last of All, hope that more People can aware of such Culture & Practises and do not get conned.


  1. This dou deng is at tee gong beo..very bright and nice.

  2. dear sifu, may i ask why we need, rice, oil, ruler, scissor, fruits for the dou deng???thanks

  3. For this, I will slowly do intro on them.

  4. Dear Jave, thank for the valuable information and introduction on Taoism.

    I would like to enquire on a person who due to bad karma and sin from the past life, that resulted tough career and unhappy marriage in the present.

    What are the methods that he perform in order to lessen his sin or karmic to improve his life?


  5. For this, its better to check on the person's Ba Zi in-order to see what is the best way to solve the Sin.

    If not, for the moment, can try to visit Temples that allowed devotees to contribute in lighting the Brightness Lamps, then do try to light a Brightness Lamp under the name of both the husband and wife. This will somehow be able to solve some of the minor issues.

  6. Hi Jave,
    For the case of brightness lamp, is it necessary to lit individual lamp for career? I do lit one lamp under my parents name whole family, can i lit another lamp to shine my career and luck?
    Currently i am still not married yet and thus living under one roof.

    Thanks in advance for ur advice.

  7. Yes, you may. With financial ability permit, you may lit as many as you wish to, but if financially wise not that good, one is enough and remember to get the right person to perform the lighting for you, cos only then, the request will be sent out properly and officially.

  8. Normally, we just register and pay at the counter. Never witness any person to perform lightning for us.

  9. Usually we need to be present while the lamp is being lit. If not, go to those Temples that engaged Priests for the conducting of the Ritual for the lighting of the Lamp. This is important, do not spend money for nothing.

  10. Dear Jave,
    Thank you for your kind advise.
    Is it advisable for me to consult Zi wei Dou Shu by Fengshui master, to find out the best way to lessen the sin.

  11. Can, but do try to be aware to being con.

  12. Dear Jave,
    Any temple that you would like to recommend for lighting of lamp that comes with the service of Priest to bless individual.

  13. For the moment, you can visit Telok Blangah Tee Kong Temple besides block 45 to look for Uncle Ah Soon to do the chanting for you while lighting the lamps.

  14. ok.thanks from your readers...


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