Saturday 6 February 2010

Long Shan Men Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer’s Offerings (正一龍山門祈安補庫之供品)

In here, Jave Wu will like to do a simple introduction on the Offerings that being used during the Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer before Lunar New Year arrives (during Li Chun Period till Lunar New Year Eve 立春至農曆除夕).

Usually Long Shan Men will do the preparation of the following Offerings for own Members, Family Members and also Devotees who have requested us to perform the Replenishing for them.

Due to Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer is an Important Ceremony, so certain Paper Offerings must be Specially ordered or requested in-order for a Successful Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer can achieved. The Preparation for such a Ceremony can be tiring, but when the Person’s Spiritual Coffer is being Replenished successfully and he/she get a Positive Result, this is the time that Jave Wu felt Good & Happy despite the Tiredness.

This Year, due to Jave Wu is busy with assisting the other Taoist Groups and setting of Branches, I have to take in lesser engagements on the Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer, for those who I have rejected your engagement, please do forgive me for the tight schedule I have.

In the following, you will be seeing the Pictures of the Offerings that being Prepared for the Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer before Lunar New Year arrives:

1 Red & Blue Robes for the Spiritual Coffer Officer & Star Lord (紅與藍紙袍) – Pic 01

2 Huang Qian Jia Ma of 1 Set each - rewarding of the Heavenly Armies (黃錢甲馬各一份) – Pic 02

3 Gai Nian Paper 1 Set – Paper for the Elimination of the Negative Issues (改年紙一份) – Pic 03

Or, using She Zui Paper 1 Set – Paper for the Elimination of Sins & Debts (赦罪紙一份)

4 Spiritual Petition for Lord Tai Sui of the Year 1 Set (安奉太歲疏文一份) – Pic 04

5 Spiritual Coffer Paper few Sets to a Big Box – this is the Official & Correct type of Coffer Paper, do not get the Wrong type which is mend for Pass-on or Wanderings (補庫受生錢幾疊/一整箱) – Pic 05

6 Tian Gong Paper few Sets to a Big Bundle (天公金幾份/一整捆) – Pic 06

7 San Bao Paper few Sets to a Big Bundle (三寶金幾份/一整捆) – Pic 07

Once the items (Pic 01 - 04) are ready, place them ALL together and then bundle them up before proceeding to any Temple for the Honouring (Place them accordingly as shown in Pic 08).

Proceed to the Temple with Heavenly & High Position Deities (such as Jade Emperor of Heaven 玉皇大天尊, etc) for the Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer. If Oneself can engaged a Taoist Priest or Taoist Master to perform the Reporting, that will be more better & safe.

So who will Benefit (other than those being mentioned in Taoist Scriptures) from such Replenishing of Spiritual Coffer?

1 Those who are in Conflict with Lord Tai Sui of the Year

2 Those who Seriously Ill

3 Those who have just Recovered from Sickness

4 Those who have very Low Luck or being pestered by Negative Entities

5 Those who are starting a New Business

6 Those who have their own Business

7 Children who Sincerely request for the Replenishing of the Spiritual Coffer for the Parents

8 Those who “Return back Alive” from some Major Incidents

9 Those who are Cured after being “Possessed”


  1. shifu, for us if we want to pray, where should we buy or get the 疏文 ?

  2. No one will sell the Shu Wen, you can only get from Priests.

  3. but I do not know any priest, then how ? Do you willing to sell me ??

  4. I dont sell Shu Wen. But can conduct for you on the Replenishing of Coffer.

  5. you mean conduct a prayer for me ?
    how much will it cost ??

  6. you mean conduct a prayer for me ?
    how much will it cost ??

  7. I dont charge for conducting this Ceremony, but you will need to pay for the Paper Offerings.

    If you are keen, email to me at


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