Saturday 6 February 2010

Long Shan Men Honouring of Lord Tai Sui’s Offerings (正一龍山門安奉值年太歲之供品)

In here, Jave Wu will like to do a simple introduction on the Offerings that being used during the Honouring of Lord Tai Sui of the Year.

Usually Long Shan Men will do the preparation of the following Offerings for own Members, Family Members and also Devotees who have requested us to perform the Honouring of Lord Tai Sui of the Year for them.

Our Offerings are consider Simple but yet needed sometimes to prepare (such as getting the correct types of Paper for that Particular Year, which Lord Tai Sui prefer which type of Paper, Enhancing on the Spiritual Petition and also, doing Reporting while the Petition is being Initially Stamped with the Official Taoist Seal, etc).

In the following, you will be seeing the Pictures of the Offerings that being Prepared for Lord Tai Sui of the Year:

1 Blue Lord Tai Sui Robes of 1 Piece – remember to fold it into 3 portion (太歲紙袍一件﹐請記得三對折) – Pic 01-02


2 Da Gui Ren of 1 Set - remember to fold it into Half (大貴人紙一份﹐請記得對折) – Pic 03

3 Xiao Gui Ren of 1 Set (小貴人紙一份) – Pic 04

4 Lord Tai Sui Paper of 12 Pieces – to represent the Lunar Month of that Year, remember to fold them into Half (太歲金十二張 – 代表當年農曆月份﹐請記得對折) – Pic 05

5 Huang Qian Jia Ma of 1 Set each - rewarding of the Heavenly Armies (黃錢甲馬各一份) – Pic 06

6 Gai Nian Paper 1 Set – Paper for the Elimination of the Negative Issues (改年紙一份) – Pic 07

Or, using She Zui Paper 1 Set – Paper for the Elimination of Sins & Debts (赦罪紙一份)

7 Spiritual Petition for Lord Tai Sui of the Year (安奉太歲疏文一份) – Pic 08

Once everything is ready, place them ALL together and then bundle them up before proceeding to any Temple for the Honouring (Place them accordingly as shown in Pic 09).

Usually some Temples will have already prepare the Offerings for the Honouring of Lord Tai Sui, but if you think that by adding this Set of Offerings will make it better, please do so.

And do remember to add in a Red Packet with Coins (10 cents or S$1.00) of the number of the Lunar Months of that Year. After Honouring, remember to put the Red Packet into the Donation Box (添油箱) besides that Altar of Lord Tai Sui.


  1. Shifu, is there any reason of folding the paper robes into 3 portions and the Da Gui Ren into half?

  2. No need for Lord Tai Sui of Geng Yin Year.

  3. For Lord Tai Sui, it depends on the Year. For Geng Yin Year willl be 3 Portions.

    Next time, when you see the Zodiac's Position, if it is Even Year, do it Half, Odd Year, do it into 3 Portions.

  4. O i c...but for other deities the robes don't need to be folded right?

  5. No need, this is only mend for Lord Tai Sui.

  6. O i c...interesting to know...haha...thanks... =)

  7. To be more accurate, there are alot of Dos & Donts for Honouring Lord Tai Sui, just that now, alot of them are being forgotten by the Modern Era People, sad to say, the Tai Sui Culture is dying off.

  8. actually honouring Lord Tai Sui is actually a sacred and sophisticated ceremony unlike those simple prayer that we usually see nowadays...

  9. Yup, cos Lord Tai Sui is a Deity that In-charge of the whole Year, if we will consider the Position, Lord Tai Sui can be quite High as compare to our Home Deities, this is why, the Talisman has to be placed higher than the Deities that we honoured at home.

  10. Haha...I guess its something like 一人之上,万人之下...haha...

  11. sifu..i thought pray tai black colour robe???

  12. No. Lord Tai Sui cannot use Black. Only Blue, since when the People ask you all to use Black?

  13. Red also can, but that is mend for very low level Deities.

  14. Ic..cos the seller told me can use for general for the angbao, i put $2 note instead.
    Is it all right? Sorie cos i did not really prepare for the prayers as everything is last minute visit.

  15. Lord Tai Sui is not really General Deities, so in the future, do keep this in mind.


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