Friday 22 January 2010

Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Geng Yin Year 2010 – Horse 07 (庚寅年生肖運程之馬)


Horse (馬)

This Year, Horse will encounter will a Peaceful & Harmony Year. Even though Geng Yin Year (Tiger) seems a bit threatening to the Horse, but this Year, with the Blessing of the San He Life Plan (歲君三合), a lot of Obstacles will be Eliminated if Oneself is able to be more Patience & Cheerful.

So who are the Lucky Stars?

No Lucky Star for the Year but with San He Life Plan, Horse will be Blessed with Good Health & Harmony.

So what are the Negative Stars appearing in Horse’s Life Plan for Geng Yin Year (庚寅年命盤)?

Due to the Harmony & Smoothness that San He Life Plan had, some Nasty Stars appear to create un-necessary Issues to break the Harmony. Here they are

1 Tun Xian (吞陷)
2 Bai Hu (白虎)
3 Fei Lian (飛廉)
4 Di Sha (地煞)

Once Tun Xian (吞陷) appear in the Life-Plan, Oneself will tend to be easily distracted by the Seducing of getting some un-necessary stuffs, in-order not to get affected by Tun Xian, Oneself shall not be Greedy and never go for snatching “Cheap-&-Good Stuff”, if not Oneself will be easily cheated/con.

Bai Hu (白虎) appear in the Life-Plan, Oneself will tend to encounter a lot of Back-stabbing issues from People around. For those who out in the Working Field, try to be more alert of the minor changes in the Working Environment, do not Play-Hero or try to Show-off, as you will get very Bad-in-return.

Besides Bai Hu attracting the Back-stabbers, once Fei Lian appeared, Oneself will tend to get involved in Conflicts or Misunderstanding. Try to avoid going to Night-Entertainment Places.

Due to the present of Di Sha Star (地煞) Oneself will be more reckless and tend to make a lot of Un-necessary mistakes. Oneself try to rest more and do not stay out late to prevent accidents.

Deities that Horse can look upon:

7th Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Po Jun (北斗七元第七破軍星君)
Lord Tai Sui of the Year (當年太歲星君)
Heavenly Lord Pu Hua (普化天尊)
Heavenly Lord of Three Realms (三官大帝)
Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師)
Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明元帥)

Spiritual Beings to Avoid:

Nether World Deities or Beings (冥界神靈)
Tiger Deity (虎神)

1 comment:

  1. thank you.. i am beginning to understand how to interpret the prediction given in tong shu.. u have any idea whats the meaning of the time 太阴 and 太阳 will appear in the 天官赐福 page? any preparation needed to welcome them?


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