Friday 29 January 2010

Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Geng Yin Year 2010 – Pig 12 (庚寅年生肖運程之豬)


Pig (豬)

It’s a Year that Pig encounter the Confliction with Lord Tai Sui again. This Year, even though Pig is having a Minor Confliction with Lord Tai Sui, there are still 2 Great Stars appearing in the Life Plan of Pig. But do not get too happy cos there are quite a number of Negative Stars following too.

So who are the Lucky Stars?

Here they are:

1 Tai Yin (太陰)
2 Yu Tang (玉堂)

Tai Yin, a Gentle Lucky Star that assist the Pig in getting rid of the Obstacles. With the appearance of Tai Yin, certain Issues that seems to be Unsolvable will be solved. As long as Oneself is willing to learn and quietly wait for the changes to take place, Oneself will be safe from ALL un-necessary Conflicts/Fights.

Yu Tang, a Prosperity Star that bring in Luck and Happiness. If Oneself is able to make some Minor Investments, in Geng Yin Year, Oneself will have a few chances to get some “Unexpected Wealth (橫財)”. But if Oneself tend to get Greedy, Yu Tang will withdraw from the Life Plan, so please do not get too overly work-out when the Small Wealth came in.

So what are the Negative Stars appearing in Pig’s Life Plan for Geng Yin Year (庚寅年命盤)?

With the appearance of Tai Yin & Yu Tang, at the back, there are always a Group of Negative Buddies following, they are:

1 Zu Bao (卒暴)
2 Gou Jiao (勾絞)
3 Sui Sha (歲煞)
4 Guan Suo (貫索)
5 Tian Sha (天煞)

Zu Bao & Gou Jiao appeared in One's Life-Plan, Oneself will tend to be more frustrated and hot-tempered. And with the present of Tian Sha, Oneself will tend to have the urge in finding faults of someone. This will contribute to a lot of conflicting & arguments.

And with the conning & seducing of Sui Sha, married-couples or dating-couples will have a lot of misunderstanding and different-views on things.

Oneself shall tried to calm-down before making any sort of decision, especially while communicating with people. Think twice before Oneself take action, this is to minimize the fault and friction between you and the others.

Guan Suo, a Star that perform tricks on oneself to feel restless, tired or even, felt depress. Try to do more exercise while Oneself feel tired or restless. By doing so, oneself will tend to stay alert and wont not fall into the Trap of Guan Suo.

Deities that Pig can look upon:

2nd Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Ju Men (北斗七元第二巨門星君)
Lord Tai Sui of the Year (當年太歲星君)
Heavenly Lord Pu Hua (普化天尊)
Heavenly Lord of Three Realms (三官大帝)
Lord Tai Yin (太陰星君)
Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師)

Spiritual Beings to Avoid:

Nether World Deities or Beings (冥界神靈)


  1. Thanks, only the little piggy, what about the rest of the other signs?

  2. just visit the review section ... see the top of site and you will find menu "Review" between "Calendar" and "Market"


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