Wednesday 2 September 2009

Video Series on Taoist Salvation Ritual 04 (道教登臺說法普度短片)

In here, you all will be watching a Series of 4 Videos on the Taoist Salvation Ritual.

In Taoism, this type of Salvation is known as Deng Tai Shuo Fa (登臺說法) aka Ascending the Salvation Platform for Preaching the Wandering Souls or Zhen Ji Gu Hun (賑濟孤魂) aka Salvaging the Suffering Wanderings, some known as Ling Bao Shi Shi Ke Yi (靈寶施食科儀).

In the Videos, you will see how the Leading Taoist Priest transformed himself into Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙救苦天尊) after wearing the Five Elders Headgear for the Salvaging of the Souls.

After the Transformation, he will start to enhance the Items and then throw down the Platform for the Wanderings to grab it and then Ascend to the Spiritual Realm for enjoying Eternal Blessing (東極長樂界).


  1. so the people arnt suppose to pick up the things that the priest throw? I saw alot of people doing that, arn't they snaching food away from the sprits?

  2. Yes, all these are not suppose to be pick up.

    Usually only when the Priests signal the Devotees (usually is the last part), that those Items can be pick up and bring home.


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