Tuesday 15 September 2009

Video on Taoist Ritual - Fen Deng aka Inviting of Light 02 (道教分燈科儀短片)

In here, you all will be watching a Series of 2 Videos on the Taoist Ritual known as Fen Deng (分燈), translated as Inviting of Light or Ushering of Spiritual Fire or in some other Areas, known as Qing Huo (請火).

Usually this Ritual is being conducted a Day before the Main Ceremony/Celebration started.

Taoist Priests will be there to ask for Permission and then invite the Fire from the Southern Hemisphere (南方丙丁火) into the Mortal Realm. Once after the Inviting of the Light, the 1st Fire will be offered to Yuan Shi Tian Zun (元始天尊) or some said, Yuan Shi Tian Wang (元始天王).

This is to symbolize Brightness Blessing for the Three Realms (三界), etc.

In the 2nd Video, you all will be seeing the Priests using the Light to enhance on the Tablets of the Pass-on/Ancestors.


  1. There are a few saying. For Folks term will be fanning away the Negative Entities.


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