Saturday 11 July 2009

What to look out before buying a New Unit (選新居,觀顯像)


Upon request, here I will like to share with ALL of you on the various Issues (Spiritually & Realistic) while entering into a New Unit before Confirmation is made to buy the Unit.

Alot of New Era Couples tend to appoint Geomancy Masters or other form of Spiritual People to choose a Unit on behalf of them, which I can comment as, Not Accurate and Upright.

A Home, is a Place that Oneself and the other Family Members stay-in. Oneself and the other Family Members shall be there to sense the Energy-current Flowing instead of asking other People to sense that for Oneself or the Family. Different People (regardless of Spiritually-trained or Non, they have different form of Sensation Level, so we cant depend on them Fully to do the sensing).

Recently, just got a case on the Home Owner putting Blame on the Spiritual People of why choosing such a Un-healthy Home for them (due to Energy Flowing Issue), 1 thing I can comment is that, the Owner of the House had done something Not Correct in the 1st Place.

Okay, back to the Topic.

So what Issues or Signs that Oneself shall look for or Encountered while in a New Unit?

1) Outside the Unit, Oneself must see that the Area is Bright and Not much Dark Corners, try to avoid getting a Unit with View blocked by Trees.

2) Outside the Unit, the Ventilation of Air must be Good. Units with Stuffy Corridor will tend to make Oneself or the other Members frustrated.

3) Outside the Unit, upon Arriving, Oneself must not see Cloudy Images or Dark-color Energies (Aura) infront of the Main Entrance.

4) Outside the Unit, upon Arriving, Oneself shall not see any Died Insects (as in Big Size) or any form of Animals' Bodies laying around the Unit Compound.

5) Outside the Unit, upon Arriving, Oneself shall not see any Water-stains (Wet or Dried) on the Front Entrance.

6) Upon Opening the Opening Main Door, the First Sensation must be Neutral or Good. Once Oneself felt Cold, Giddy or Uneasy, then this Unit shall not be put into Consideration.

7) Upon Opening of the Main Door, the Current of Wind Blowing out must Not be too Strong. If not, the People who stayed inside the Unit will tend to get Stress or Mental-disorder in the Future without Good Spiritual Protection.

8) Upon Entering into the Unit, Oneself seeing Dark Shadows in Corners, then this Unit is not Spiritual Clean. But is the Shadows are in Bright Colored Form (Old Man or Kids), then they are considered as the "Home Spirits (家神地基主)", so Oneself can still consider of getting the Unit.

9) Upon Entering into the Unit, Children Cried-out loud or Pets starting to Bark, then this Unit is not Spiritual Clean.

10) While in the Unit, Oneself shall felt that the Energy or the Heat, must be Smoothing and not too Stuffy or too Cold. The Easiest-way to detect is by the Rate of Sweating. If Oneself or the other Members tend to Sweat alot even the Weather is Fine, then the Current in the Unit is Not Balance or Stable, so we will avoid getting that Unit.

Tips for those who do Unit-viewing

1) Before Proceed to another New Unit after viewing on a Unit that makes Oneself dont feel good, Oneself and the other Members shall walked under the Sun for a Few Minutes (5 mins & above) to do Purification for the Negative Energies that Followed.

2) Do not View a Unit during Stormy Weather or Cloudy Day

3) Do not View a Unit when Oneself or any other Members is Sick

4) Do not bring Children under 3 Years old to do Viewing

5) Do not bring Elders that are above 70 Years old to do Viewing

6) During Mourning Period (within a Year), Strictly No Viewing of New Unit

7) Within 3 Months after giving Birth, Strictly No Viewing of New Unit

8) Last 3 Months before giving Birth, Strictly No Viewing of New Unit


  1. I sometimes see potential buyers carrying a simple compass, is the north facing thing something we should care about?

  2. For Chinese, we will tend to buy House (Main Entrance) facing North or South.


    1) Due to Sun Rising & Setting Issue
    2) In Chinese Belief, by Facing North or South, the Descendants will be able to Succeed in whatever they do

  3. How to choose a good day to move in jave?

  4. This depend on alot of issues. Cant just share with you on a Date.

  5. Always useful inputs by Jave Shifu.

    Very easy to comprehend and easy-to-digest bits of tips for readers to follow. Thanks Shifu!


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