Wednesday 22 July 2009

Solar Eclipse Day (日全蝕之日)


22 July 2009, 1st Day of Lunar 6 Month, Asia will be experiencing the Full Solar Eclipse after 500 Years.

In Science, Solar or Lunar Eclipse are just 2 Naturn Outer-space phenomenon, but in Chinese Culture, such Actions do represent certain Issues or conveying of some Messages from the Spiritual Realms.

On our Chinese or Lunar Calendar, whenever such Eclipse occuring, the Lunar Calendar Creator (Author) will tend to advise ALL Chinese or Mortals of Not involving in any form of Major Activities, reason is, to prevent any form of Fatal Incidents from Happening.

If we will to say that this is Non-scientific or Superstitious, maybe I will like to say that you may be Wrong or having some disagreements with our Chinese Culture.


1) Sudden change of the Light emitted into the Planet Earth (Sun-shine) will tend to distract Mortal's attention. When Solar Eclipse happening, in a Short moment, the Whole Place will become Dark like Night-time when it shall be a Day, the Soul of Oneself will be strongly affected and causes a form of In-balancing in the Thoughts.

2) Sudden change of Temperature. Usually when a Solar Eclipse will to happen, a sudden drop of Temperature from 15-20 Degree C will be experienced and so, when such changes occur, alot of the Living Beings will be affected by the Surrounding Heat movement.

3) Sudden change of Molecules/Natural Elements in the Air. When Light Ray sudden cease in a Day time & Temperature drop in a short Moment, Molecules that exist in the Air will change. By absorbing such Mutual-change Molecules, a Physical Body will tend to be affected and if the Solar Eclipse will to take a Longer time to End, then Minor Issues might Happened.

Above are 3 Reasons that Inter-connected with Science.

Following are 3 Reasons that Chinese Experienced in the Ancient Era:

1) A Kingdom Fall when Solar Eclipse happened

2) Emperor Passing-on after encountering Solar & Lunar Eclipse

3) Natural Disasters occurred Before & After each Solar & Lunar Eclipses

Maybe you may said that they are Co-incidence, but will such Co-incidences happened so Nicely & Fit-so-well whenever Eclipses happened? I, personally think that, it really needed some In-depth study & researching.

Last of All, just an Advise to those who Felt Uneasy During & After Eclipse occur:

1) Relax Oneself and drink a cup of Luke-warm Water. Rest for a While before Oneself starts to continue working.

2) Close the Eyes and remind Calm. Try to make your Mind as Clear as Possible

3) Do any form of Recitation & Chanting that Oneself is Familiar with. For Taoists, you may wish to Recite the Following Deities Official Titles:

Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun (雷聲普化天尊)


Tai Yi Jiu Ku Tian Zun (太乙救苦天尊)

All the Best and Good Luck.

San Wu Liang (三無量)


  1. I take a different view on this. Eclipse to me means change, positive and negative gets adjusted but not necessarily bad for the world, so just keep being positive :)

  2. Yup, what you posted is quite True too. This is why, we can only accept the Changes and Move on with it.

    In-order to let the Worst to Come, we can only Accept it and find a Way to Overcome it.

    And so, no matter what Eclipses, it is a form of Testing & Training for ALL Official Taoists.

  3. For the recite mantra, what does it mean" fu shen wu liang tian zun"?

  4. 福生無量天尊 is a form of Blessing Requesting from the Da Dao aka Big Dao.

    Fu Sheng Wu Liang meaning Infinity Prosperity being bestowed-upon.

    And so, by continuous recitation of this Sentence, oneself will be Blessed.

  5. Thanks..but i normally recite yu huang tian zun.Is it ok?

  6. Usually for Official Taoists, we will recite only Fu Sheng Wu Liang or Wu Liang Shou (無量壽), no need to add in the Tian Zun.

    Yu Huang Da Tian Zun also can. This is good enough.


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