Friday 3 July 2009

Paper Offering Intro Series 3 - Heavenly Dog Paper (祭祀紙禡簡介之天狗紙)


In Taoism & other Chinese Religions, Paper Offering is one of the many types of Offerings that Chinese needed to prepare before any form of Honouring.

In here, I will like to share with ALL of you on a Type of Paper that being used to Get-rid & Eliminating Negative Energies or Entities and also to Protect the New-born Babies.

This Type of Paper is known as Tian Gou Zhi (天狗紙) aka The Heavenly Dog Paper.

Due to misconception & misunderstanding, this Type of Paper is being Wrongly use in nowadays, Folks thought that by Burning this Type of Paper, Oneself will be able to gain Wealth Blessing and able to Strike any form of Lottery, but actually is not.

So what is the Main Purpose of using this Type of Paper?

According to Records, this Type of Paper got a few Usages:

1) Sending-off Negative Energies or Disturbance by Negative Entities (驅送邪靈)

2) Eliminating Obstacles (驅趕小人)

3) Send-off Heavenly Dog from Disturbing the New-born Babies's Souls (驅天狗,護嬰童)

For First Point, in the Ancient Era, Folks tend to believe that Oneself becoming Low Luck was due to the harassment or pestering by the Negative Entities or other Spiritual Debtors (from Past Lives). In-order to Send-off or Eliminate of such Spirits, Oneself would needed to get hold of this Type of Paper and then, performed a Short Report to the Main Deities & Earth Deity and then Burn-off the Paper allowing the Deities to provide the Necessary Blessing for Eliminating of such Spirits. Once the Spirits were being sent off, Oneself would be able to Re-gain the Luck Blessing from the Heaven and also, Deities.

For Second Point, during the Honouring of Tiger Deity during Spring Season (驚螫日), this Paper will be used too. After Honouring the Tiger Deity, this Paper will be used together with the Five Ghost Paper (五鬼紙) to Wrap-up the Paper Figurine that represent Backstabbers. After then, the Whole Wrap-up Package must be Burnt off. This is to represent that the Backstabbers are being Eliminated and Good Luck will followed. Usually Obstacles are known as the Trick the Backstabbers plot on Oneself, so in-order to get rid of such Backstabbers, Tiger Deity will be call-upon to "Eat" Strong Backstabbers & Heavenly Dog will be call-upon to "Harm" the Backstabbers that are hidding at Dark-corners.

For Third Point, to Send-off the Heavenly Dog. Cos in Taoism, Taoists believed that, when a New-born Baby is suffering from Sleepless Night or Illnesses, usually are the Heavenly Dog disturbing or Hurting the Soul of the Baby. And so, whenever a New-born Baby react Abnormally at Night, the Parent will need to Send the Heavenly Dog Off as soon as Possible. And so, Parent will prepare this Paper and some other Paper-offering and then, proceed to Outdoor Area to burn them off. By doing so, the Heavenly Dog will be Send off and Safe-blessing will be bestowed upon the Baby. Besides that, some Taoists will also call-upon Lord Zhang Xian (張仙大帝) to get rid of the Heavenly Dog (More info on Zhang Xian, please proceed to this link:

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