Thursday 4 June 2009

What your Dreams tell you? Series 17 (夢中景,現實情)


Upon request, in here, I will share with you a series of various Dreams & the Meaning behind each Dream.

Due to the Recording of the Dreams are done in Zhou Dynasty, so some of Dreams & the Meaning are somehow Out-dated. For those Out-dated Dreams, in here, I will not do any form of Introduction on it, in-order to minimize misconceptions.

Here it goes for Series 17, dreaming of seeing Sobbing, ill-people & Death (道教道士鬼神)

神仙聖人大吉利。Dreaming of seeing Immortals, Deities or Sages, meaning the Oneself will be blessed with Good Luck.

道士作法主疾病。Dreaming of seeing Priests performing Rituals/Ceremonies, meaning that Oneself will be Falling Sick soon.

画神仙者得人钦。Dreaming of Oneself doing painting for Deities, meaning that Oneself will be Well-respected.

神共人言有福助。Dreaming of Talking to Deities, meaning that Oneself will be bestowed with Good Fortune.

入神庙神动大吉。Dreaming of Entering into a Temple and saw Statues moving, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Luck.

被神鬼打不吉祥。Dreaming of being Beaten by Deities or Spirits, meaning that Oneself will be encountering some Negative Issues.

烧香礼拜皆大吉。Dreaming of Oneself paying respect to Deities or making Offerings, meaning that Oneself will be blessed with Good Luck.

迎神赛社有外财。Dreaming of participating any form of Religious Celebration, meaning that Oneself will be gaining some Wealth Blessing soon.

仙圣到家福禄至。Dreaming of seeing Deities descending into One's Home, meaning that Oneself will be bestowed with Great Fortune.

与鬼斗者主延寿。Dreamng of Oneself engaging into Physical Fighting with any form of Spirits, meaning that Oneself's Lifespan will be Prolong.


  1. After i go pray tu di gong on my house area.. i keep dream three times of big sea... i very sea all thw while, but there be alway a friend beside walk to me sea side... why?

  2. i mean i scare sea all the while... but there be a friend... those ffiend seem is long time no contract friend..
    friend will be bring me to sea side.... enjoy sea... but in my heart, i scare... no choice like been force my friend.. drag to sea side! the sea very big!

  3. Ok, for this case, go to look for a Pek Kong Temple that is associated with Sea or had a Word Sea in the Title of the Temple.

    At the Temple, report to Pek Kong on your dream, you will get an answer there.

  4. i see... thank you!!! You are great! ^o^


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