Thursday 9 December 2021





Due to some of our Friends & Members here are interested in Thunder Deities, in here, I will like to use this Opportunity to do a brief introduction on a special type of Natural Stone that is closely related with Thunder Deities. Such Stones are known as Meteorite.

This form of Meteorite Stones are being called as Outer-space Stone. In the Modern Era now, Modern Scientist claimed that such Stones are created in the following fews situation:

1) While Thunder Strikes during Stormy Days (打雷時)
2) In Outer space when Stars-crashes (隕石相撞)
3) Stones/Rocks from Moon that being "suck" into the Planet Earth (月球上之石塊)
4) Volcano-eruption, hardening of Lava (火山熔岩硬化)

But interesting thing is that, in Ancient Chinese Records, this type of Stones are already being recorded and given Names such as Egg of Thunder (Lei Gong Dan 雷公蛋) or Ink-pad of Thunder Deities (Lei Gong Mo 雷公墨).

In the records, such Stones were believed to be the Creation of Thunder Deities, while Thunder Deities released Thunder in Stormy Days. After the Thunder Strikes, the Stones were dropped into the Mortal Realms and for those who are Lucky & have Connection with Thunder Deities, they would be able to found the Stones. And after bringing back the Stones, the Stones will released out Positive Energies (and this is what the New-age People believed too).

Since then, the Taoists & Chinese believed that such Stones are able to give out Special & Spiritual Energies and some even believed that, the Stones will assist oneself in gaining certain Level of Cultivation. But I can say is, this is up to Individual's thinking & belief.

So, if oneself is interested in getting such Stones, now in Singapore, oneself is able to get them in any Stone/Gem-shops and the Price is not very High too. Weight of such Stones can be very Light, even though the Size of the Stone can be as Big as one's Hand-palm, but the weighing can be less than Half a cup of Water.


  1. Interesting article. In English, the stones in the photos are called Tektites. They look black, but if you slice them very thin, the are in fact yellow. I have been wearing one in a rink i made since 2005.

    Another story of how they formed is that a huge meteorite hit the earth about 60 million years ago (the one that killed the dinosaurs), and sent rocks flying into space. The ones that could not get away from earths orbit came back down and as they came down, they burned forming natural burned glass.

    The tektites mostly come from Thailand. Another variety of green ones called Moldovites can be found in Europe.


  2. Thanks for sharing on the other forms of such Stones... I'm sure the others will love to have one with them... :P


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