Monday 4 May 2009

Ancient Robe of Heavenly Master (張天師古袍)

In here, you will see the Ancient Robe that being Bestowed upon Heavenly Master (of the later Generation),

This Robe was now being Well-kept in the Taoist Museum in Long Hu Shan Tian Shi Fu (龍虎山天師府) in Jiang Xi Province (中國江西省).

For those who got a chance to visit Tian Shi Fu in the near future, please remember to take a look at the Robe.


  1. isnt this a dragon robe? is not a taoist robe isnt it?

  2. This only mend for High Ranking Officers.

    Heavenly Master was being appointed by Emperors, so they can wear such Robes.

    If you notice, the Color of the Robe is Purple too. Purple is known as the Royal Color, only Appointed Sects can wear that.

  3. Looks like something from the Qing era.

  4. This Robe shall be in Late Ming Dynasty or somewhere early Qing.

    But from what I know, during Qing, ALL Chinese had to wear Robes that dont really have the image of Ming or Han.. so... :P


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