Saturday 14 February 2009

The Four Items that Taoists & Chinese Dont Really Eat (道教四不吃的传说 )


In Taoism And Chinese Beliefs, there are a few things that we as Taoists and Chinese cant consume.

Reasons, due to mis-concept, mis-leading information being pass-down or certain instructions being pass-down by the Ancestors.

In here, I will like to share with all of you on the 4 Items that being advised by the various Heavenly Masters to their Descendants of not Consuming them in certain Occasions or Events.

The 4 Items are:

1) Calf (牛犢)

One Year, while the 30th Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing (三十代天師張虛靖) was doing his Cultivation in Tian Shi Fu (天師府 HQ of Zheng Yi Sect), various Monks & Followers of the Three-in-One Religion (at that Era is still not yet being Officially Given a Title) approached Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing with a Calf.

Upon reaching the Main Hall of Tian Shi Fu, one of the Monks shouted at Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing, saying, since You All as Taoists can eat anything, why not You as the Leader of Taoism, killed this Calf in front of us and lead the Soul of the Calf to Heaven to enjoy the Eternal Blessing.

After hearing what the Monk had said, Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing got very disappointed and before he could replied, the other Followers of the Three-in-One Religion continued to bark at Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing, saying, since our Emperor believed in you so much, why NOT, You saw us your Little Tricks of how You Conned the Emperor.

Within seconds, Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing took out his Seven-Stars Sword and cut the Throat of the Little Calf. Just as he cut the Throat of the Calf, Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing summoned the Heavenly Generals to lead the Soul of the Calf to Heaven.

Upon the summoning & leading. Finally Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing opened his mouth to call upon All the Disciples & Students to the Main Hall. Soon, the Main Hall was crowded with Taoists & other Religions' Followers.

At this moment, Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing speak-up:

Due to Selfish-ness, Fame, Gaining of Reputation, etc, Followers of Sages & Saints are able to fight against each other and using forces to create Trouble for the others. All these are against the Upright Teaching of our Faith. In here, I have killed a Calf, but fortunate, I'm able to kill the Calf in a Cut without letting the Calf to suffer and able to give the Calf a chance of Reborn to a New Human Life.

But for those who have involved in asking me to Kill the Calf will always be put to a Suffering State, cos of their Selfish-ness, Ignorant & Inconsiderate.

From now on, in front of such People, we Taoists wont be eating any Beef or Meat from any form of Cow, Bull, Ox or Buffalo. Only when we are sincere in giving the Cow, Bull, Ox or Buffalo a Good Chance of Reborn into a Human, then we eat the Meat and drink the Milk. And of cos, recite the Salvation Scriptures for the Animal.

Knowing that Heavenly Master Zhang Xu Jing was not a Person who conned & could be defeated, the Monks & other Followers dashed off from Tian Shi Fu and from then, All Zheng Yi Sect Priests will only consume the Meat from Cow, etc, while we are really Sincere & Faithfully assisting the Cow, etc, in getting a Better Reborn.


Due to this Rule, alot of Folks tend to mix the Teaching-up, saying that Taoists dont eat Cow Meat due to Lao Zi or Guan Yin, etc, which is not True.

2) Snakehead Fish (烏鱼)

A Year while the 18th Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan (十八代天師張世元) and his Disciples went around to do preaching, they approached a River with lots of Fishes.

While one of the Disciples went nearer to the River, he was shocked and immediately, he called upon his Master and Classmates to come over to look at the Fishes.

Upon approaching, the Disciple told his Master that the Black-headed Fish was eating up the Little Fishes that it had born.

After hearing that, Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan smiled and by using his Robe's Sleeve, he scooped up the Mother Fish and recited a Mantra onto it and soon, the Mother Fish awaked from the Mantra. All the Disciples were shocked.

Seeing that the Mother Fish had woke-up, Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan released the Fish into the River and gathered his Disciples around and said:

This type of Fish is known as Snakehead Fish, in Medication System, this type of Fish can be used to heal sick-people and those who are weak with leaking of Energy. But as a Taoist, we shall not eat this Fish un-necessary. Why? Due to the Filial Piety of such Fish type.

Upon hearing that, the Disiciples replied, Fishes understand Filial Piety?

Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan smiled and reply, Yes, this Fish type does and continue speaking:

Just now, one of your Classmates saw the Mother Fish eating the Little Fishes that she had born, actually is Not. The fact is Vice-versa. Actually are the Little Fishes whom know that the Mother Fish is lacking of Energy after giving birth to them, in-order to keep the Mother Fish alive, the Little Fishes actually swim back into the stomach of the Mother Fish to allow the Mother Fish to digest them and return the Energy back to the Mother Fish.

Immediately after listening to what Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan had said, most of the Disciples kneeled down and starting Sobbing. From then, the Disciples of Heavenly Master Zhang Shi Yuan understand the Theory & Importance of Filial Piety - Little Fishes knowing of returning Gratitude to Parent, as a Human, why alot of us are not able to?

From then, Taoists & Chinese started to cut down the consuming of such Fish type unless any Serious Incidents happened. When ever we needed to consume such Fish, we the Taoists will needed to recite the Bao En Bao Gao (報恩寶誥) to thank the Fish and also our Parent.

3) Wild Goose (雁子)

One Year, while Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (祖天師張道陵) was traveling around with his Disciples to the other Cities in China, at a Cliff, suddenly 2 Wild Geese fell in front of them. Soon the Male Wild Goose pass-on. In-order to assist the Male Wild Goose of departing smoothly, Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling advise his Disciple to recite the Salvation Mantra for the Male Wild Goose.

Just as the Disciple approached the Pass-on Goose, the Female Wild Goose started to fight back and using one of her Wings to protect the Body of the Male Wild Goose.

Seeing that, Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling nodded his head and stepped forward to communicate with the Female Wild Goose. After a short recitation, the Female Wild Goose step aside and allowing the Disciple to send the last Journey of the Male Wild Goose off.

Soon, the sending off was done and one of the Disciples approached Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling and asked, why the Female Wild Goose was so protective against the pass-on Male Wild Goose?

Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling replied:

Goose, a type of Bird (Duck) type that show very strong bonding and relationship among it's own Family Lineage, especially Husband & Wife Geese. Whenever one of the Couple pass-on, the other half will tend to stay by the side and Cried out loudly and sadly in-order to show the Heart-pain of losing the other Life-time-partner.

And this is why, we shall not killed them un-necessary for Fun or consuming. Nowadays (in Han Dynasty), due to showing off of Skills, alot of People tend to use Wild Geese as the Bull-eye-target for Arrow-practising, which this is not Correct and Upright.

After hearing the reply, All the Disciples made a Vow of passing down this Message to the Descendants of not Killing such Wild Geese without any Valid Good Reason.

4) Dog (狗)

While 27th Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong (二十七代天師張象中) was still 12 years old, one day while he was doing his Study of Taoist Scripture, a little Dog from no where appeared infront of him. With his surprise and delightness, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong kept the little Dog as a Pet.

Soon, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong had reached the age of 20.

One Year, while he was about to start his traveling to perform his Preaching Task, the Old Dog ran out of the House and keep barking. Knowing that the Old Dog wanting to follow, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong allowed the Old Dog to join in their Traveling Group.

Within days, the Traveling Group reached a Town. Due to the Weather was getting bad, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong had to advise the Disciples to rent a few rooms in the Inn to stay over night. Soon, the admission was done and All of them got back to their Rooms.

After Mid night, the Wind started to blow strongly and with a hard-blow sweep, the Oil Lamps in the Inn were being blown off from the Racks. Soon, the Inn was on Fire.

Just at that moment, the Old ran around the Rooms to bark loudly and kept banging onto the Wooden Doors and Walls to wake the Traveling Group up. Hearing the Banging and Barking, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong woke up and realised that the Inn was on Fire and so, with his possible Assistance, he assist the Inn Owner to stop the Fire from spreading.

After a while, the Fire was being put-off, but with their horror, the Old Dog pass-on due to over exhausted. With a Thankful and Sincere thought, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong asked the Inn Owner for a little piece of Land to bury the Dog up.

Upon completion, Heavenly Master Zhang Xiang Zhong said:

Dog, a Loyalty House-hold Pet. Knowing of serving the Owner, knowing of saving Lives. And why are there still so many People wanted to kill such Good Animal and consume it without shame?

From then, the Disciples vowed to pass the Message to People around the whole Country of not eating Dog Meat.


  1. Master Jave .. can send me the Salvation Mantra

  2. Will pass u the whole scripture soon. :P

    Will discuss the issues with you.

  3. Will email you the Bao En Gao now...

  4. Hi Sifu Jave,

    So do you recommend that we disciples should stop eating these 4 items?

  5. Only the 2nd till last.

    As for Beef, we can eat but again, with a sincere mind of allowing them to get reborn.

    Cos we are assisting them and not killing them for fun.

    But for other Beliefs, they do not have a proper of handling this and so, they always make fun of the people who eat beef. Which is not Upright or Correct.

  6. Si Fu, please be advised,
    Do we in taoism beliefs also practise Pang Sheng rituals ?
    Thanks in advanced.

  7. You mean Releasing of Animals?

    Yes we do, but due to the Commercialization Issue (catch & sell then release, then catch again and sell then release, etc. This Cycle will cause more Harms to the Animals), in nowadays, we dont encourage.

  8. Yes, releasing of animals.
    If the case that Si Fu mention above. I think it won't do any good to the animals.
    But how if we don't buy or get the animals from those kind of commercial places.
    i.e : Buy from fresh market that we don't talk to the seller our intention or
    if we get the animals by coincidence.
    What is the procedure / chanting for them ?
    Thanks and regards.

  9. Releasing of Fresh Fishes is also a big issue, cos now most of the Fishes are not from Sea. Once you release a Pure-water fish into a Salted Water area, it will kill the fish too. Just like turtle or tortise, the more we release, the more killing. So for us, we encouraged people who wanted to do releasing to actually donate the money to the needy, cos it will be more meaning.

    For the Procedure, its quite complicating, cos alot of different reporting had to be done.

  10. Oh, I see.
    Releasing animals is not as simple as what we think of.
    Must make sure to put them into the actual habitats and not kill them.
    Thanks alot for your enlightenment, Master.

  11. Yup, alot of Unofficial Spiritual People tend to use this type of Ritual/Ceremony to make Money, cos usually such Releasing of Animals will need a certain sum of fund.

    But what will the devotees get after doing this? Killing more animals, hurting more lives...

    This is why, now, Upright & Official Spiritual People, Priests or Monks had stopped such Activities.

  12. Yes, I get what you mean Si Fu.
    There are still many other ways to do good things in this world instead of doing such activities.
    Thank you very much for your explanations.

  13. "As for Beef, we can eat but again, with a sincere mind of allowing them to get reborn"

    Shifu, I don't really understand.
    'with a sincere mind' mean just pray 'allowing them to get reborn' or have to pray with mantra?
    Can you give me the detail?
    Thank you shifu.

  14. Yes, during the Eating, we will have to recite a few Mantras in-order for the Slaughted Animals to gain a Good Reborn soon after the Whole-physical-body-parts are being consumed (can be separated in many areas, but as long as one area recited the Mantra, the Animal will be able to get the Blessing).

    As for the Mantras, will slowly post them up for Public to learn.

  15. Hello Si Fu,
    Would you please post this mantra for public.
    I see my brother usually practise this in Tantrayana Buddhist.
    Luckily we also have this in Taoism.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kwang Hui

  16. What Mantra you refering to?

  17. Dear Si Fu,
    I mean the mantra in taoism before eating meat for slaugted animals
    for them to get reborn soon / get higher realms.

    Thanks and best regards

    Kwang Hui

  18. Hahaha, I see, sure, will post it up soon.


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