Sunday 8 February 2009

Chinese Newspaper Article on Offering of the First Incense (新聞文章之獻頭香)

Found this Chinese Newspaper Article on Offering of the First Incense to Deities on Lunar New Year. Very meaningful and Create Alerts to alot of Chinese & Ignorant-blind-followers.

If you are free, please do go thru it.

Cant see the Article? Please download it from the following link:

--->>>Tou Xiang Article<<<---


  1. Taking step back and listening properly to the doctrines and teachings of the dieties in all the mantras, none of them did mentioned rewards for the first incense for the new year.

    There again, whats wrong and whats right? Whats wrong is right and whats right is wrong, the balance of wrongs and rights maintains the essential balance in this universe.


  2. But nowadays, NO one ever care for the Balancing, most of the People only know of gaining Good & Best Credits for oneself and neglect the Others. This is the Failure part of our Chinese Society & Religious Teaching.

    Till today, in most of the Countries, including Singapore, most of the Taoist Organisations & Temples encourage Taoists & Chinese to participate in the Snatching of the First Incense, so, can our Taoist Socirty give the Right Teaching to the Fellow Taoists & Chinese? Can they assist Taoism to "Clear" their Name of Ignorance & Low-Class Religion?

    We need to ponder over this Issue.

  3. What JAVEWU said is correct and true. Most human are the same , what has religion has to do with it. I always ask myself good or bad time always ask foe forgiveness from god and do what u can to help but not to help to gain more Karma. Now u can see due to bad time most temple, churchs, mosque are full of people asking for help from god. But none in the place of worship's assistant or/and helper teaches those who worship the correct way of offering and prayer. None in this world is low-class nor ignorance abt any religion but the right way in praying.

    Maybe I am wrong or empty headed knowledge of such, if so my apologies to all.


  4. This is why now, we as the Main Stream & Upright Taoism are here to assist the People to do the Correct Things and Practice the Correct Stuffs despite we are being Put-down by alot of the So-called-Claimed Official Taoist Groups.

    Taoism belongs to Public, belongs to ALL Chinese & Taoists. If we will to just wait for Certain Groups of People to do Certain Minor Assistances to assist our Precious Taoism, I'm sure, in another 50 years time, our Taoism will be GONE and forget by most of our Descendants.

    We shall Unite and Do our Best to Up Bring our Own Roots & Cultures.

    True to say that?

  5. 心诚则灵。
    因此,我不认同您所说的这是一种“ ignorant and low class" 的举止。

  6. Hahahahaha.. this is why our Taoism is being classified as the Ignorant & Low Class among All the other Religions.

    Do ponder over the Qns again, does we need such Action?

    Will Deities Blessed such People?

    Go thru some of the Taoist Articles & Scriptures that I have post, you might see the Light in them.

  7. You are a person with Strong Affinity with the Religion, I'm sure you will be able to understand... Do your Best.. I'm sure you can :P

  8. haha thanks for ur err.. compliments =D i will understand =)

  9. Wahahahaha.. why err??? Sure Can de la...


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