Tuesday 20 January 2009

Chinese Zodiacs Luck in Ji Chou Year 06 - Monkey & Rooster (己丑年生肖運程之猴雞)


Monkey (猴)

In Ji Chou Year, Monkey will enjoyed a Lucky, Fulfill & Prosperity Year.

This Year, Monkey will be Blessed & Protected by 4 Great Lucky Stars (吉星). They are Tian Yi Gui Ren (天乙貴人), Yue De Star (月德), Tian Xi Star (天喜) & Ban An Star (扳鞍).

With the Blessing and Assistances given by Tian Yi Gui Ren, Monkey will not encounter Big Issues or Fatal incidents in Ji Chou Year.

Besides that, with the help of Yue De Star, most of the Mis-fortune Issues will be eliminated before it reaches oneself.

Usually with the present of Yue De Star, Tian Xi Star will also be present in-order to Issue Prosperity Blessing to the People. Tian Xi Star, a Star that being Bestowed with the Authority of Spreading Good Fortune & Happiness to the Mortals. If Tian Xi Star will to appear in the Life-Plan of oneself, then, in the Year, there will be alots of Good Surprises waiting for oneself to go and Enjoy and Grab them.

Ban An Star, a Star that assist oneself in having Good Opportunities in Work and also whatever Investments that oneself made, but do remember that, never engage into Big & Risky Investments, if not, once the Luck of the Monkey change after Lunar 6 Month, oneself might encounter certain minor issues.

With the existance of so Many Good Stars, in Ji Chou Year, most of the Negative Stars wont be able to come near to the Monkey, just that, the Monkey will need to take care of one's Physical Health, in-order to prepare for the Next coming Tiger Year.

For Monkeys who are getting Married, Ji Chou Year will be a Good Year for the Marriage.

Deities that Monkey can look upon:

5th Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Lian Zhen (北斗七元第五廉貞星君)
Heavenly Emperor Zi Wei (天官賜福紫微大帝)
Lord of Moon (太陰星君)
Deity of Wealth (財帛星君)

Rooster (雞)

Another Zodiac that will Enjoy the Prosperity Ji Chou Year.

After releasing the Conflicting-burden with Lord Tai Sui of Wu Zi Year, in Ji Chou Year, Rooster will be Blessed by a few Great Stars. They are Tian Jie Star (天解), San Tai Star (三台), Jie Shen Star (解神), Ba Zuo Star (八座).

San Tai Star appeared in one's Life-Plan, oneself will tend to have Good Opportunities in Career and also, gain alot of supports in the Interest that oneself keen-in. Besides that, San Tai Star will also give the necessary Blessing to the Rooster for their Physical Health. Best for Rooster to have a Joyous Birthday Celebration in Ji Chou Year.

Tian Jie Star, Jie Shen Star & Ba Zuo Star will also group together to appear in one's Life-Plan.

Ba Zuo Star, to bestow oneself with Authority in whatever oneself is doing. This will be Good for those who just Promoted or going to be Promoted in Ji Chou Year. The Superior that promotes you, will trust you and give you alot of Opportunities in showing yourself, but do remember, not to abuse the Authority and end-up losing everything.

Tian Jie Star & Jie Shen Star will be there to eliminate All obstacle that the Rooster faced during the using of Authorities, but if oneself will to abuse the Authority, Ba Zuo Star will send off Tian Jie & Jie Shen, which end-up, no more Front-shielding for Rooster.

Due to the existance of All the Great Stars, very few or No Negative Star will appear in the Life-Plan of Rooster.

Deities that Rooster can look upon:

4th Star Lord in Bei Dou Group - Star Lord Wen Qu (北斗七元第四文曲星君)
Lord Tai Sui of the Year (當年太歲星君)
Three Heavenly Lords of Heavenly, Earthly & Waterly Realms (三官大帝)
Deity of Wealth (財帛星君)
Heavenly Lord Pu Hua (普化天尊)
Lord of Sun (太陽星君)

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