Friday 26 December 2008

Entering the Last Portion of Winter (入冬尾﹐待新歲)


Tomorrow, the 27 Dec 2008, will be the First Day of the Last Lunar Month for Wu Zi Year (戊子年年終初一日). Once we entered into the Last Lunar Month, the New Lunar Year will be 29 Days away from us.

So what does the Ancient Era People do on this Day?

According to Chinese Custom and Taoist Practice, on this Day, Chinese or Taoists will visit Temples to pay respect to Deities and also Ancestors.

Inform the Deities and Ancestors that this was the last Chu Yi Day (初一) for the Lunar Year and at the same time, People were also request for Blessing for the New Lunar Year.

Besides the normal visiting to Temples, Chinese or Taoists would also eat some Nourishes Dishes (進補), such as Herbal Soup, etc, on this Day. Reason, to get the Physical-bodies Warm and Energised, in-order to work more and do more preparation for the New Lunar Year.

In Chinese Customs, on Li Dong Day (立冬日 in 2008, it falls on 07 Nov 2008), Chinese or Taoists were start to consume a lot of Nourishes Items to get their Physical Bodies prepared for the Cold Winter. This consuming would usually last for 3 Months till Li Chun Day (立春日) arrived.

In Singapore, due to we have only Spring & Summer weather (春夏二季), so nowadays, Chinese or Taoists tend to neglect this practice, but if we will to observe our older generation elders, some of them still follow the practice as on every week, they will tend to buy some Herbal Soup to eat at least once.

So what can a Modern Me do on this Day?

Very simple, just get yourself a Good, Healthy & Balance Meal on this Day, I’m sure you will be Blessed with a Good Health in the coming Year.

Lunar 12 Month in Chinese Context is also a Month of Thanksgiving or Showing of One’s Gratitude. If your time permits and your Parent is free on the Day, bring them out for a Good and Healthy Meal (such as Mushroom Meal, Vegetarian Healthy Meal, etc). I’m sure they will not only be Blessed with Good Health in the Lunar New Year but also, touched by your Filial Piety.

Try it this Year, you will find a very Different Year ahead (this is a form of Taoist Health Cultivation Method).

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