Tuesday 28 October 2008

Long Shan Men celebrating Heavenly Marshal Hua Guang’s Manifestation Anniversary (龍山門華光元帥誕辰慶典)

Last Sunday, 26 Oct 2008 (28th Day of Lunar 9 Month), Long Shan Men had conducted a simple and yet Official Ceremony for Heavenly Marshal Hua Guang (斗口靈官馬華光元帥), cos this Day was considered as the Manifestation Anniversary (Birthday) of him.

In the Morning at about 11.00Am, I arrived at the Office to do the necessary preparation for the Birthday Respect (祝壽) and also to do the preparation for the Dotting Ceremony (開光點眼) for another batch of new Deities. This time round, Lord Zao Jun aka Kitchen Deity (司命灶君), Bao Sheng Da Di aka Lord Medicine (保生大帝) and Long Xuan Zu Shi aka Spiritual Master Long Xuan (龍玄祖師), were invited to our Long Shan Men.

After the necessary preparation and the arrival of the various students, the dotting Ceremony was being conducted.

At around 2.00Pm, the Statue of Jade Emperor of Heaven (玉皇大天尊) arrived in the Office (being staying with another local Taoist Group for quite sometime and now, it’s time to invite the statue back to our own Long Shan Men) and after Raising the Seat (昇座) for Jade Emperor of Heaven, the Birthday Respect ceremony started.

With rounds of Kowtows, Chanting and offerings, the Birthday Respect Ceremony ended at around 3.00Pm and then, all of us proceeded to the Sending off of Deities and Paper-offerings. That Day, even though the weather didn’t seems good but at least, no rain-pour occurred during the sending-off.

Upon completion of the Sending-off, it was time for us to have our Feast and so after keeping the Offerings and do cleaning in the Office, we proceed to have our late Lunch and after the Lunch, we went to Wan Shan Fu De Ci (萬山福德祠) to pay respect to the Old Hua Guang Yuan Shuai in the Temple.

Finally, it’s time for us to go back home and rest.

Next year, we will have another better and more better Celebration for Heavenly Marshal Hua Guang.

May he provide us with the necessary Blessing of Good Wealth and Great Knowledge.

Wu Liang Shou (無量壽).

This Ceremony is considered as the Official First Birthday Respect being conducted in Long Shan Men’s Office.

This time round, due to the inviting of Jade Emperor of Heaven’s statue back, we had prepared quite a number of Offerings, which is considered as the Highest Respect in Chinese Custom and Religion Practice.

Most of the Offerings are sponsored by Friends of Long Shan Men and some of the Students.


  1. Highest Row (from left to right): Xuan Tian Shang Di, Nan Dou Xing Jun, Yu Huang Da Tian Zun, Bei Dou Xing Jun, Zhang Zu Tian Shi.
    Middle Row (from left to right): Long Xuan Zu Shi, Hua Guang Da Di, Dou Mu Yuan Jun, Wang Tian Jun, Tai Sui Xing Jun.
    Lowest Row (from left to right): Bao Sheng Da Di, Wu Lei Hao Long, Tai Sui Fu, Feng Zhi, Si Ming Zao Jun.
    Small Statues: Shun Feng Er, Hua Guang Da Di, Qian Li Yan.

    Am I correct?

  2. Such Ritual/Ceremony, usually I dont wear the Main Taoist Robe. Main one will only used during honouring San Qing & Jade Emperor of Heaven.

  3. hey wats the offering on the most left ?? grape ??

  4. oh ic.. anyway.. do u know any tailor in sg tat make long robe?
    and where u get ur shu wen printed at?

  5. he is following the traditonal symbolic offering of 香,花,灯,涂,果 but if for grand ocassion i believe Jave will display the wholesome set of 茶,食,宝,珠,衣。 so in the case, he used grape as a symbolic offering of fruits instead of using the normal 3 or 5 plates of fruits. Btw, most cantonese priests have very nice mini set of 10 offerings. Buddhism too have the same set of 10 offerings which symbolises:

    香 – 戒定慧香 無有垢染 超聖世間 為眾景仰
    Incense – The incense of morality, samadhi
    And prajna wisdom Free of defilements

    花 –慎始善終 見者歡喜 因地努力 成就正果
    Flowers – Work hard in the causal ground and
    Sublime the supreme bodhi

    燈 – 智慧光明 眾善常隨 諸佛護佑 永斷無明
    Lamps – The light of wisdom
    Illuminates the darkness and ignorance

    塗 – 慈悲善柔 無有偏私 眷屬和合 戒德圓滿
    Perfume – Be compassionate, virtuous, and gentle
    Never discriminate or be selfish
    Live harmoniously with all relatives
    Perfection of precepts and virtue

    果 – 身心調柔 永離貧窮 發菩提心 圓成佛果
    Fruits – Body and mind are in harmony
    Forever free from poverty
    Bring forth the bodhi mind
    Attain the fruit of enlightenment

    茶 – 心無罣礙 安樂少病 永離渴愛 速超三界
    Tea – The awaken mind free from obstructions
    Peaceful, happy, and having few illnesses
    Forever free from the thirst of craving
    Swiftly transcend the three realms

    食 – 壽命延長 辯才無礙 無諸懈怠 禪悅為食
    Food – Longevity
    Eloquence without obstructions
    Free from indolence
    Take the joy of Chan as food

    寶 – 清淨法寶 轉識成智 永離惡道 直證菩提
    Jewels – Purity of the Dharma jewel
    Transform knowledge into wisdom
    Forever free from the evil realms
    Directly attain bodhi enlightenment

    珠 – 威儀具足 家道興隆 廣植福田 見自性珠
    Pearls – Broadly cultivate field of blessings and virtue
    See the pearl of your true nature

    衣 – 豐足無缺 所求如意 廣行六度 莊嚴菩提
    Clothing – Prosperous and never wanting
    All wishes will be fulfilled
    Broadly cultivate the six paramitas
    Attain perfect enlightenment

    However, I am not sure if the Buddhist symbolism applies to taoism or not.

  6. 戒定真香---香供養 (象徵意義:戒香)

    焚起衝天上 眾等虔誠 爇在金鑪放 頃刻氤氳 即遍滿十方 昔日耶輸 免難消災障

    花奉獻---花供養 (象徵意義:微妙,萬行開花結果)

    文殊共普賢 牡丹芍藥真堪羨 百花獻納黃金殿 花開花謝綻金蓮 青衣童子持花親睹慈尊面

    燈晃耀---燈供養 (象徵意義:光明)

    盈煌列寶臺 光明遍照周沙界 昏衢朗耀俱無礙 閻魔瞻禮紫金臺 然燈佛成道曾受人天拜

    曹溪水---水供養 (象徵意義:甘露水,撫慰眾生煩惱)

    一派向東流 觀音瓶內除災咎 醍醐灌頂滌塵垢 楊枝灑處潤焦枯 咽喉中甘露自有瓊漿透

    祁園果---果供養 (象徵意義:出世聖果)

    滋味甚堪嘗 青瓜紅柿阿梨樣 荔枝龍眼堪供養 唵摩羅果世無雙 婆羅門仙人親獻蓮臺上

    春先蕊---茶供養 (象徵意義:清醒)

    百草甚奇青 茶芽點出馨香噴 玉甌展內雪花輝 趙州公案又重新 睡魔王能退幾度黃昏陣

    天廚供---食供養 (象徵意義:禪悅妙食)

    純陀最後來 饑餐麻麥充皮袋 仙人又送齋食在 雙雙牧女獻香糜 四天王捧缽遙望靈山拜

    世間寶---珠供養 (象徵意義:摩尼寶珠)

    歷代古今傳 珊瑚琥珀銀絲線 硨磲瑪瑙連珠串 給孤長者捨衹園 金輪王說法永鎮龍宮殿

    一百八---寶供養 (象徵意義:法寶)

    持經滿藏圖 消災延壽藥師佛 毘盧心內瑜伽部 大乘經典共彌陀 證南方龍女直至菩提路

    衣奉獻---衣供養 (象徵意義:柔和忍辱,出離生死)

    綾羅錦繡紗 銷金掛子難描畫 龍女織就金絲帕 波斯匿王捨袈裟 馬鳴王菩薩誓願神通化

  7. Yes, all these are considered as the Taoist Five Offerings.

    In Chinese Religions, only Taoism had such Offerings, other than that, the rest are all Man-made.

    As for the last item - which is Fruit, we can choose whatever Fruits that we can easily get from the market.

    For more info, pls refer to: http://javewu.multiply.com/journal/item/131

  8. In Singapore, for simple Robes, you can approach any shops that located in Rochor Center.

    As for Shu Wen, only Trained and Official Taoist Priests had the authority to do printing or writing, other than that, no one can issued you that.

  9. sifu..why the gui ren paper...the red color one oso burn-off??not keep???

  10. Hua Guang Da Di = Erl Lang Shen
    Is it right?

  11. Hua Guang Da Di isn't Er Lang Shen.

    Hua Guang Da Di:

    Er Lang Shen:

    I believe that after reading this two Write-ups, you would be able to have a clearer view.

  12. Yup, for all these are sponsored by other people, so usually we will do burning for all, unless for own personal blessing, then we will keep.

  13. Due to inviting of Jade Emperor of Heaven, this time round, I changed all to Vegetarian dishes.

  14. di zhu i tot is five cup of tea ??

  15. People would put 5 cups for Di Zhu, as they take that idea from Five Directions.
    One cup each.

    But usually, a standard of 3 cups would be fine for Deities.

  16. Hi Boss, just a curious question?

    Long Xuan Zu Shi is Lv Shan Long Xuan Men Zu Shi, what is the purpose of inviting him on your alter, why didn't you invite your own Long Shan Men Zu Shi instead?

    I didn't see Long Yi Zhen Jun on the alter, I thought it suppose to be S'pore Long Shan Men? Inviting your own Zu Shi on the alter is much more appropriate right?

    No offence, just curious only. Thanks. Sorry for being too straightforward. Cheers.

  17. Yes, this is Lv Shan Xuan Men Long Xuan Zu Shi and in Singapore, only Long Shan Men and another Taoist School got the authority to invite him onto the Main Altar of our Taoist Schools, other then that, the rest are only inviting the replacement of him.

    In Zheng Yi Long Shan Men, we are divided into a few Sub-Schools, Lv Shan is on of them and all Students & Disciples will have to go thru training of Lv Shan Skills.

    As for Long Yi Zhen Jun, cos the time is not up yet, so the invitation for him will have to delay till later part of the year.

    But on the Main Altar, there is a small area dedicated to him, just that you all are not able to see it only.

  18. The 1st is Dou Jin (斗金) and 2nd is Yi Tong Jin (一桶金).

    2 types of Traditional Offerings that needed for Big Celebration and Deities Anniversary.

  19. jave, where did you get the small statue of Hua Guang Da Di ?

  20. In Singapore, from Taiwan.

    Out of stock now..

  21. Is this 龙瑞大帝 aka 龙树道人?闾山第十九代教主

  22. This is Long Xuan Zu Shi (龍玄祖師), considered as one of the Fa Zhu of Lv Shan (閭山法主之一) and he is the Founder of Long Xuan Lineage in Lv Shan School.


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