Sunday 14 September 2008

Zhao Ling Temple Celebration 04 (昭靈廟淨壇請聖科儀)

In the following, are the pictures taken during the Heng Hwa Taoist Priests conducting the Reporting, Cleansing and Inviting Rituals.

Look closely at the Head-gear of the Leading Priests, it is different from the Normal Lotus Crown that we wear in Singapore or Taiwan.

If you got chance in the future to take a closer look at the Head-gear, you will be able to see the Wu Lao aka The Five Elderly Lords' pictures on it.


  1. I have saw the Wu Lao's image on the 5-Petaled Crown in one of the ceremony, earlier this week.

    What's the official name for the Crown?

  2. Usually that type of Ritual is associated with Salvation of Souls or when inviting of Lord Tai Yi.

    Normally we address that as Wu Lao Guan (五佬冠).

  3. Yup, a Salvation Ceremony. 普施。


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