Saturday 23 August 2008

Pictures of Maiden Lord of Eye-Sight aka Yan Guang Niang Niang (佑童視力眼光娘娘)

Yan Guang Niang Niang (眼光娘娘), aka Yan Guang Sheng Mu (眼光聖母), translated as Maiden Lord of Eye-Sight. Official title known as Yan Guang Sheng Mu Hui Zhao Ming Mu Yuan Jun (眼光聖母惠照明目元君). A very Rare Deity to be seen in South East Asia.

She is one of the many Female Deities that look into issues of Blessing Little Kids & Babies and also, curing any forms of Eyes Diseases.

According to Records, Yan Guang Niang Niang is one of the 8 Assistants of Bi Xia Yuan Jun (碧霞元君) aka Maiden Lord of Mt Tai aka Dong Yue (東嶽泰山聖母). In some other contexts, Yan Guang Niang Niang is also known as one of the 8 manifestations of Bi Xia Yuan Jun.

So who are the other 7 Assistants/Manifestations?

Here they are:

Maiden Lord of Prolonging the Family Lineage (子孫聖母育德廣嗣元君)  
Maiden Lord of Curing Infants Poxes Infection (痘疹聖母立毓隱形元君)
Maiden Lord of Curing Infants Rashes Infection (斑疹聖母保佑和慈元君)  
Maiden Lord of Destiny-Delivery of Infants (送生聖母錫慶保產元君)
Maiden Lord of Safe-Delivery of Infants (催生聖母順度保幼元君)  
Maiden Lord of Natural-Feeding for Infants (乳母聖母哺嬰養幼元君)
Maiden Lord of Wisdom-Opening for Infants (引蒙聖母通穎導幼元君)

PS: Info on Bi Xia Yuan Jun at

In the Ancient Era, whenever Little Kids being infected by Eye-diseases such as Sore-eyes or Swollen-eyes, Parents would bring their Kids to Temples that dedicated Altars to Yan Guang Niang Niang to request for Blessing. Some of them would even traveled to Mt Tai aka Dong Yue to pay respect to Yan Guang Niang Niang at the Rear Hall (till today, the Altar is still there).

For Ladies who found infected with Eye-diseases, by paying respect to Yan Guang Niang Niang, the diseases would also be cured in very short period.

On 20th Day of Lunar 4 Month, the Followers of Yan Guang Niang Niang will celebrate her Manifestation Anniversary (眼光娘娘華誕).

And on the 9th Day of Lunar 9 Month (農曆九月初九日), at Mt Tai, the Hall that dedicated Altar to Yan Guang Niang Niang, would held Grand Ceremony to honour her for returning Gratitude to her for providing the necessary Blessing for Little Kids and the Ladies. Due to Political reasons and the Change of Cultural Belief, such Ceremony was being forced to end.

For Higher Res Pictures, please proceed to this link:


  1. For the moment, no Bao Gao for her :P

  2. ok..sure...nemind....coz..i am sure..sifu..u got any new thing..u wil share with others...coz..u r the great sifu:P

  3. Hahahahaa.. me not great, just that all these are my task.

  4. Yah , always care to share with us..modern shifu...GREAT

  5. New pics added (yanguang_new07012011_01.jpg - yanguang_new07012011_05.jpg)

  6. That was fast. great stuff, thanks very much.

  7. Hahaha, I know that you will like it.. welcomed bro :P


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