Tuesday 27 May 2008

Spiritual Skills Sharing: Self Protection from Possession of Negative Entities (卡陰防範術)

A lot of people had been approaching me to teach them a few skills to protect themselves from being attacked or possessed by Negative Entities or so-called Wandering Souls.

Here are some possible methods that as a Spiritual Master, we will impart to Public and also our own Students to provide necessary assistance at necessary period.

Skills that shared here are quite Safe & Easy to learn and use, anyone can just practice them at any time.

1 - Wearing Natural Stones or Gems that can hang directly infront of the Xian Tian Ba Gua (先天八卦) Point aka Chest (胸前)

2 - Wearing Natural Stones or Gems to protect the Xian Tian Ren Liang Point (先天人樑 directly opposite the Xian Tian Ba Gua Point, at the Back of a Physical Body)

3 - Before one self enter a Dark pathway or any Dark Areas, rub your 2 palms till it's Hot and then place them on the Back of the Neck, after placing, rub against the the Back of the Neck to keep it Warm and then start your journey thru the Dark pathway or Dark Areas.

In Spiritual Study, we believed that Negative Entities or Wandering Souls will enter one's Physical Body thru one of the Acu-point at the Back of the Neck (天柱穴).

4 - Same as Point 3, but this time round, after rubbing the 2 Palms, place the Palms on the Chest to make sure that the Xian Tian Ba Gua Point is being kept Warm.

In Spiritual Study, this is the Point that our Positive Energy is being emitted out, if one self is able to keep it Warm or Hot, the Positive Energy that being emitted out will be multiplied.

5 - Writing of the Chinese Character "Gang" on one's Palm to do protection.

How to do that?

First, recite the following Phrase softly:

Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai



Wang (旺)

Secondly, write the Chinese Character Gang (罡) on the Center of the Palm with the Sword Formation

Thirdly, close the Palm tight and do not release until certain Entities approached

Fourth, if nothing happened, after awhile, released the Palm and shake hard to release the Enhanced Energy from the Palm



  1. Wow.. Power!!! Thanks For Sharing Bro.. You're So Kind. ^_^


  2. What u meant by Sword Formation?

  3. the sword formation..just like Kwan Gong statue shown always...izzit right??

  4. crunch ur fist while index and middle finger pointing out...

  5. Thanks for sharing! Question can I do this with either palm? I am left-handed.

  6. Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Ji Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai

    (子丑寅卯辰己午未申酉戌亥) (子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 (Si) 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥)

    甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 (Ji) 庚 辛 壬 癸

  7. Yes, either Palm is okay, as long as you do it right.

  8. Hi Javewu,

    You mentioned “do not release until certain Entities approached” the Entities refers to ghosts? And what we do when these Entities approaches? Thanks for your advice.

    Alvin Chua

  9. Once the Entities approached, released your Palm towards the Direction and then, walk as fast as you can to cut thru the Entities.

    Some people might felt very uncomfortable while cutting thru it, but once you are over it, you will feel better.

    One thing need to keep in mind, do not get scare-off by the Entities, once a person get worry or scare, the Energies in oneself will reduced and the once the energies are reduced, the positive Energy will be affected.

    Just to add on, all these will be taught while a Master impart the student with the Cultivation Skills.

    As for layman, just follow the above mentioned steps, oneself will be fine.

  10. Hi Javewu,
    any place where I can learn serious daoist cultivation skills? i know it's not easy for the masters to teach just anyone and also depend on one's destiny but hope you can help. Thanks

    Alvin Chua

  11. PM me when you are ready to take up the training.


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