Wednesday 23 April 2008

Sharing on Spiritual Skills 4 (常用法術分享)


In here, I will like to do some sharing on the various Spiritual Skills that being widely used bu the Taoists or Chinese when they encountered difficulties, etc.
Due to the Cultivation Level of each individual, not All of you will be able to see the immediate effect on certain Skills, so be patient.

For those who wished to attain a higher level of Spiritually Cultivation, then my advise will be, to seek an Upright Taoist Master or Spiritual Teacher to learn the Upright & Accurate Spiritual Skills, if not, the after effect will not only harm one self, but also the people around one self.

Here it goes:

Self Spiritual Protection Method (避邪法)

This is a method that is being widely used for people who always walk in dark road or work in deserted area (such as armies, policeman, etc)


1 – Left & Right hand with Sword Symbol and then place the both hand together and place them infront of the Heart

2 – turn the whole body facing the Eastern Direction

3 - then recite the following Mantra

Du Tian Da Lei Gong
Hkk: Dor Tian Dai Lwi Gong

Pi Li Bian Xu Kong
Hkk: Pee Lie Pian Hee Kong

Tong Bing San Qian Wan
Hkk: Tong Bing Sam Qian Ban

Shan Shan Hei Yun Zhong
Hkk: Siam Siam Hiek Hoon Tiong

Shang Da Chun Feng Yu
Hkk: Shiong Da Choon Hong Woo

Xia Da Yu Chun Feng
Hkk: Ha Da Woo Choon Hong

Ruo You Qiang Shen Bu Fu Zhe
Hkk: Liok Yew Kiong Sin Poo Hock Jiak

Wu Lei She Qu Yong Wu Zong
Hkk: Ghor Lwi Niap Kee Eng Boo Zhong

4 – after reciting, remain the Sword Symbol infront of the Heart and then make 3 bows to the Eastern Direction

5 – walk quickly and do not turn back when one self heard something, just ignore (no other Beings will dare to come near)

6 – before entering into the house, release the Sword Symbol

The whole thing will consider complete.


  1. Shi Fu.........why must always face "Eastern Direction" it to receive the necessary "qi"???regards,

  2. East, consider as the point that release out the Positive Energy.

    By facing the East and calling upon the various Energies or Deities that are associated, the enhancement will be increase, etc.

  3. Is it also due to East, is the representation of Wood. Symbolising new life?
    And also.. East is the place where Tai Yi Tian Zun resides in?

    Just my thoughts.

  4. is it all this skill need to be thought by master , then can know the actual way to use it

  5. why not facing north? north is also sacred in Taoism right?

  6. In ancient times yogis and taoist shamans used to use the sunrising at dawn to gather a certain spiritual energy from the angle the sun made on the earth just before dawn. It was drawn into the third eye point or upper tanden. Of course one takes precaution against directly staring at the sun as it can burn out the retina etc. Most people would start out facing the East with closed eyes before using a certain technique to gather energy from the sun. If done properly one sees the world (for a short time) in ultra-violet light as under the full moonlight. It is said that the most beneficial energy is gathered under the dawn sun.
    Majid Buell


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