Tuesday 25 March 2008

Introduction on Xue Shan Tong Zi (雪山童子簡介)

Xue Shan Tong Zi (雪山童子) aka Immortal Boy of the Snow Mountain, one of the Divine Protectors of Taoist Lv Shan Sect (閭山派).


According to Records & Mantras used in Taoist Lv Shan Sect, Xue Shan Tong Zi is one of the Assistants or Disciples of Xue Shan Da Sheng (雪山大聖) aka Sage of Snow Mountain.


In the various Records & Mantras, Xue Shan Tong Zi is being recognized as one of the Immortal Assistants that assist in performing the following tasks that are associated with Mortals:


1 to stop bleeding (止血)


2 to stop or prevent any un-necessary Boy-Girl Relationship (解是非姻緣及爛桃花)


3 to ease sicknesses that associated with high heat or temperature, such as Fever, Chickenpox, Plaque, etc (化解熱毒)


For the Spiritual Skill of stopping bleeding, here’s the mantra that Xue Shan Tong Zi is being call-upon (actual set of Skill comes with Hand-symbol, in here, I will not go deep into that introduction):



Ri Chu Dong Fang Xian Dian You


Translation: When one self got a cut, the 1st thing that one self see on the wound is a form of transparent semi-liquid form leaking out from the wound.



Shou Zhi Jin Qiang Qi Bai Niu


Translation: In-order for the bleeding to stop, the White Blood-cell aka Leukocytes will be needed to exist (by using the Spiritual Will to increase the quantity of Leukocytes), not only to stop bleeding, but also to stop any external virus from entering into the body from the wound.



San Sheng He Zhu Chang Liu Shui


Translation: By calling Thrice upon the Spiritual Will and the enhancement from Xue Shan Tong Zi, the bleeding will stop.



Jin Zhi Hong Men Bu Zhun Liu


Translation: Bleeding stop, wound heal and scar will disappear within time.



Xue Shan Tong Zi Lai


Translation: Calling upon the Arrival of Xue Shan Tong Zi



Xue Shan Tong Zi Dao


Translation: Awaiting for the Arrival of Xue Shan Tong Zi



Xue Shan Tong Zi Zhi


Translation: Upon the Arrival of Xue Shan Tong Zi, all Bleeding stop and wound heal.




  1. Heard of Xue Shan Gong Zhu?
    Is there such a divine?

    This mantra used for stopping the bleeding, i've heard before.
    Have you used it before?

  2. Yup, in the Xue Shan Group, there are quite a few Deities.

    As for the mantra, this is quite a common one, just like the one that use to dissolve bone that stuck in the throat.

    For me, I dont use this mantra, I will use another type of skills - Bleeding-ceasing Talisman Symbol.

  3. Yup, i agree. Such are more common mantras.

    I see. Just drawing talisman in the air, at the wound?

  4. Yup, concentrate and draw the symbol onto the wound.

  5. can u do introduction on the bone dissolve mantra and wat god is jin tong tai zi.

  6. For the dissolve bone mantra, i will do a intro in the future as for Jin Tong Tai Zi, this is not a Taoist Deity, so I wont touch on that.

  7. Shi Fu, can a layman taoist do such skill (Bleeding-ceasing Talisman Symbol) as you mention above ?
    is it the same method as you mentioned on your "Controling Bleeding or Cease the Blood Flow" posting ?
    Many thanks for your helps.

  8. Yes, laymen Taoists are able to practice such Skills, but of cos, not always having the same after-effect as those who had gone thru training and Registration, etc.

  9. I think such skill will be very helpful to save one's life for emergy situations.
    Thanks alot for your posting and explanations, Master.

  10. xie2 4 this articles, shixiong.


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