Tuesday 5 February 2008

Lunar Year Customs – Invitation of Son-in-law (農曆正月習俗之初二請女婿)


According to Chinese Customs, on the night of the 1st Day, the Parent-in-law will make an invitation to the Son-in-laws (for those staying with the In-laws will not be affected with this custom), for them to pay a visit to the In-laws place on the 2nd Day.

This invitation in Chinese is known as Qing Nv Xu (請女婿), in Hokkien is known as Chia Khia Shai.

Due to some of the restrictions & taboos that the Ancient Folks fixed, daughters that are married out are not supposed to visit the Parents on the 1st Day, cos, the Folks believed that once the daughters visit them on the 1st Day, their Luck of Wealth will be affected, and so, the In-laws will only make an Invitation to the Son-in-laws at the night of the 1st Day.

So what shall be prepared on the day of the Son-in-laws returning?

Usually the In-laws will prepare a whole cooked Chicken, with the head & feet (全熟白斬雞).

During the meal, only after the Son-in-laws cut-open the chicken, consume a little bit of the meat then the others can taste the chicken.

This is to represent that the In-laws respect the Son-in-laws and also giving blessing of good Career Luck to them (好起家), hoping that, the daughters that married to them dont suffered from hunger.

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