Thursday 3 January 2008

Scroll Painting of The 12 Zodiac Star Lords of Taoism (黃道十二宮星君)

Far before the 12 Zodiacs of the English Culture came into the awareness of Chinese, in Taoism, we have already being paying respect to these 12 Lords.

In Taoism or Chinese Deity System, these 12 Lords are known as Huang Dao Shi Er Gong Xing Jun or Shi Er Gong Chen Xing Jun (a few minor differences in the 12 Lords).

And so, what is Huang Dao?

Huang Dao, a light beam that shown in the Heaven or Universe after Sunset or before Sun Rise, in English term known as Ecliptic. Usually this Ecliptic can be seen by using a Telescope.

So who are they?

Here's the Intro on them:

1摩羯宮(屬子年生人 Capricorn)
2寶瓶宮(屬丑年生人 Aquarius)
3雙魚宮(屬寅年生人 Pisces)
4白羊宮(屬卯年生人 Aries)
5金牛宮(屬辰年生人 Taurus)
6陰陽宮(屬巳年生人 Virgo)
7巨蟹宮(屬午年生人 Cancer)
8獅子宮(屬未年生人 Leo)
9雙女宮(屬申年生人 Gemini)
10天秤宮(屬酉年生人 Libra)
11天蝎宮(屬戌年生人 Scorpio)
12人馬宮(屬亥年生人 Sagittarius)

In our Chinese Deity System, Virgo which means the Virgin Girl is being replaced with Yin-Yang – represent the Balance (just nice, the position is in the Center of the 12 Lords)

And for Gemini, 2 guys replaced by 2 girls, known as Shuai Nv.

So what are their tasks?

There are there to assist the 12 Chinese Horoscope Lords to look into issues of Personal Luck of each individual Mortal who born in the Year under their In-charge.

In Singapore, it is totally impossible to see any Temple/Altar or Ritual/Ceremony that will make any invitation for these 12 Lords.


  1. I would agree that Huang Dao Shi Er Gong is rarely mentioned or known to people. If you were to mention 12 in astrology terms, many would just say the 12 Animals Zodiac and the 12 Western Zodiac.

  2. Yes indeed rarely mention or known. Unless someone really look into Zhi Wei Dou Shu(紫微斗數), then will know tat this 黃道十二宮 is used.
    Correct mi if wrong...

  3. Yup, in Zi Wei Dou Shu and some other Chinese Prediction Skills, these 12 Xing Jun are being mentioned, but as for honouring them, it is as rare as seeing Yuan Shi Tian Wang being placed on Altar.

    But in some of our Taoist Rituals, these 12 Xing Jun are being evoked to release their energies in giving blessing to the Mortals.


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