Thursday 24 January 2008

Luck Reading for 12 Horoscopes of Wu Zi Year – Year of Rat (戊子鼠年生肖運程分析) 6


Snake (蛇)

Snake in Wu Zi Year will have an Average Good Year.

In Wu Zi Year, there is a Strong Good & Prosperity Star Lord present to provide the necessary assistances.

He is known as Yue De Star Lord (月德).

Even though Luck is average good, but there are still a few other Negative Star Lords present to do obstruction. They are known as Si Fu (死符), Jie Sha (劫煞), Xiao Hao (小耗), & Po Shui (破碎).

Yue De Star Lord: A Star Lord that assist one self to block off all unfortunates. This is also a Star that helps one self to gain chances of Promotion.

Si Fu Star Lord: Si Fu, a Star to oppose against Yue De. Once Yue De provides the opportunity for one self to get the promotion, Si Fu will appear. Due to Si Fu is also known as a Fighting Star, one self will need to fight for his/her will in-order to gain the final outcome.

Jie Sha Star Lord: A Star Lord that work closely together with Si Fu. Once Si Fu is there to obstruct the opportunity of promotion, Jie Sha will appear to eliminate all the credits of one self. In reality World, Jie Sha is usually the Back-stabbers, try to avoid offending anyone in Wu Zi Year. If anyone will to find trouble on you, just ignore them, do not fight back.

Xiao Hao Star Lord: A Star Lord that stays by the side of Yue De. And so, once Yue De appeared, Xiao Hao will be there to do destruction. So what will Xiao Hao do? Xiao Hao will be there to “steal” the Luck of Wealth. So for one self, control any form of un-necessary spending. Do not borrow any money to anyone, cos once borrowed out, the sum will be like water-flow, once gone means forever gone.

Po Shui Star Lord: A Star Lord that make one self feel poor and in need of getting money. Never engage one self into illegal actions whenever one self have the craving of getting money.

For relationship, due to Si Fu, a lot of misunderstanding will arise. Before taking any actions, consider first and best, try the best to find out the truth.

After attend any Weddings or Funerals, try your best to visit any Temples to pay respect to the Deities, ask for Blessings.

Deities that Snake can look upon:

6th Star Lord in Bei Dou Group (北斗七元第六武曲星君)
Lord of Moon (太陰星君)
Cai Bo Xing Jun (Deity of Wealth – The Scholarly form 財帛星君)
General Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明元帥)


  1. In the following is the Talisman or Spiritual Petition for each individual Horoscope (The Protector).

    For those who involved in the Confliction with Lord Tai Sui, can download the Spiritual Petition and then print it out on a Red Paper (the Petition is set at a dimension of 12cm by 8cm).

    After printing, bring the Petition to any Temple (with Taoist Deities), Pay Respect to the Deities in the Temple and then sway the Petition around the Urn for 3 Times. After that, fold it and keep it in the wallet, bring wherever you go.

    Every time when you visit Temples or Pay Respect to any Deities, just take out the Petition and sway it around the Urn 3 Times, let it collect the Incenses Fumes for enhancement.

    Best for those who can recite out the Praise Mantra included inside the Petition.

    If you are at home and wanting to recite the Praise Mantra, you can do it in the early morning, after wash up, drink a cup of Plain Water and then face North (if you don’t know where is North, then just face the Sky) and start reciting.

    Memorize the Special Character on the Petition, it will do the Blessing.

    PS: Do not download the Wrong Petition, each Horoscope will have One Petition that is dedicated to it Only.

    Before the Next New Year, just burn-off the Petition on the 24th Day of Lunar 12 Month.

    Wu Qu Xing Jun Bao Gao
    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    Zi Wei Yuan Nei. He Yuan Gong Zhong
    Guang Dong San Yuan. Zhong Yao Chan Zhu Ji Zhi Se

    Jing Han Tai Yi. Jing Hong Lian Yu Jian Zhi Qiu

    Zuo Min Wu Zhi Gui Yi. Wei Yin Yang Zhi Zong Zhu

    Da Bei Da Yuan. Da Sheng Da Ci.

    Zhong Tian Da Sheng Bei Dou Di Liu Bei Ji Wu Qu Da Dao Xing Jun

  2. You just need to see the last sentence after each Star Lord introduction.

    For those who are into Taoism, they will be able to understand.

  3. sifu..izzit all these star lords of bei dou group are jiu wang da di?>?

  4. Yes, if we will to include Zuo Fu You Bi Xing Jun, then it will be known as Jiu Huang Da Tian Zun.

  5. Dear All,

    For those who are interested to get the endorsed Spiritual Petition for your Horoscope, please do contact me at

    I have prepared 49 sets for each Horoscope.

    Spiritual Seal is being stamped onto the Spiritual Petition for Spiritual Enhancement.

    Do not hesitate.

    All the best to you.

    Wu Liang Guan

    Wu Liang Shou


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