Tuesday 22 January 2008

Formulae for the Chinese Horoscopes who got Conflict with Lord Tai Sui (沖犯刑害太歲方程式)

Every year end, a lot of people will try their very best to find out which Chinese Horoscopes will get in conflicts with Lord Tai Sui of the New Year.


Due to the lack of Knowledge and mis-interpretation, a lot of the time, the wrong set of conflicting Horoscopes will being pass-around among the folks.


In order for the other to have a better understanding and clearer picture of how the Conflicting System works, I will do a quick and brief intro here.


The Calculation Formulae goes like that:


Starting from the Horoscope that leads the New Year. Usually the Leading Horoscope will be First Animal to get into Direct Conflict with Lord Tai Sui.


Then add 3 to the Leading Horoscope’s position, by adding 3 to the position, you will get the position number of the next Horoscope that In-directly get Conflict with Lord Tai Sui.


Then add 3 to the Second Horoscope position to find out the Third Horoscope that got the Under-ward Conflict with Lord Tai Sui (usually this Horoscope will sit at the Direct Opposite Direction of the Leading Horoscope).


Last, add 3 to the Third Horoscope position to know the last one in the list of the confliction (the less affection in the Confliction List).


Example Calculation for Wu Zi Year (Year of Rat 2008):


Leading Horoscope is Rat.

Position = 1.


Add 3 to 1 = 4.

Position 4 will be Rabbit.


Add 3 to 4 = 7.

Position 7 will be Horse.


Add 3 to 7 = 10

Position 10 will be Rooster.


Rooster will be the final one in the Conflicting List.


This set of Conflicting Calculation only applies to the normal and new conflicting list that folks use now.


The ancient one is no longer in use.


Why adding of 3 are used and not other numbers?


This goes according the Nature Number that our Taoism used.


3 is the Manifestation-Root of all the Beings in this Universe.


And you can see by the adding 3 times, you will get the final Conflicting Horoscope within the 12 Horoscopes (without any over-lapping occurs).


And last, by Multiplying 3 to the 3 Sets, we will get 9, which represent the Highest of All in Religious Term.


  1. Shifu, I would like to ask the preventive measures or practices that people under the 3 signs (rabbit, horse, rooster) can do to avoid problems.

  2. I'm doing the write up for the Practices or Measures for the individual Horoscope, will post them up very soon, do keep a look out :P

    This is the Only Taoist Horoscope Reading in the whole SEA....

  3. Hi Jave, isn't GOAT is in the conflict list for this coming RAT year ??

  4. To be more accurate, Goat is not affected, but in Folks Culture, Goat is included.

  5. different set of calculation from Folk Culture? Thks.

  6. This is usually set by the Temples or Sintua themselves, some Temples or Sintua can have 6 animals having conflict with Lord Tai Sui - reason: having more ppl to come in and pay respect to Lord Tai Sui....

  7. ke ke ke.... commercial value again.
    Even if that yr there is no conflict to Tai Sui, is it alright to pray to Tai Sui ??

  8. All Horoscopes are suppose to pay respect to Lord Tai Sui.

    To be more accurate, when a Tai Sui is being appointed to look after the Year, even Deities have to pay respect to him.

    This is how High Position a Tai Sui can be.

  9. then chong, xing, fan tai sui in english means wat???

  10. In English, there are limited terms to use on these.

    Chong as translated as Conflicted.

    Fan as translated as Collided.

    Xing as translated as Comitted.

  11. 就是鼠、兔、馬、雞都沖太歲。很有趣。但這四種動物會不會相沖?

  12. 以下是太歲簡介連接:





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