Sunday 30 December 2007

Requesting of Blessing for Wealth for New Year (新春富貴旺財法) 之 1


Multiplying Nine Formation (九九生財)

According to Old Chinese Lunar Year Custom Records (古時新年習俗記載), there are a few methods that one self can prepare in-order to gain the blessing of Wealth by the Deities of Wealth before New Year and during the New Year Period, some will do it on the 18th Day of Lunar 12 Month (農曆臘月十八日-請貴求富補財庫).

So what shall be prepared?

According to the records, one self shall prepare the following items:

9 Fa Gao aka Huat Kuey (九個發糕)

9 Nian Gao aka Dee Kuey (九個年糕)

9 Hong Gui Guo aka Ang Ku Kuey (九個紅龜粿)

9 sticks of Incenses (九支香)

3 stacks of Incense-papers (三千/疊金紙)

So after preparing, what shall be done?

After all these items are being prepared, one self (the person who wished to request for the blessing of Wealth) shall bring them to a Temple (which is convenient for one self) to pay respect to the Deities in the Temple (main Deity inside the Temple not necessary to be Deity of Wealth).

After placing the offerings on the Main Altar, sincerely light the 9 Incenses and then kneel down in front the Altar to make request.

During the making of request, one self shall be sincere and do not be greedy. Only request whatever is possible. Then, sincerely place the Incenses into the urn and step 3 steps backward and leave the Altar.

After 15 minutes, retrieve the Incense-papers from the Altar and burn them off.

After burning, retrieve back the offerings and bring home. Do not throw any of the items away. If one self cant finish all, distribute out to the others, by sharing of the fortune, one self will get in-return of more fortune.

If one selfs request is being answered, do remember to visit the Temple again within 49 Days. Prepare the same quantity of offerings and leave them in the Temple, allow the others to share the joyous of fortune with you.

So when is the Best time to make this offering?

Best is before Li Chun Day (立春) or Lunar New Year Eve (年除夕).

Reason for doing so:

To request for Good Luck for the Next Year.


  1. Swee arr! 恭贺大家"鼠年行大运"....發啊!

  2. Hahahaha, same same... Everyone will get the blessing :P

  3. Hahahaha.. 財神一定到你家 :P

  4. 谢了!
    財神到..財神到..財神到我家大门口,迎財神,接財神,快把財神接到家里头..Cheers! Bro

  5. Hahahaha :P

    Gong Xi Gong Xi lo :P

  6. Shi Fu....for praying at there thing like "good time slot" or anytime of the day will be about after work??...ok...

  7. Anything, as long as it is being done before Li Chun Day.

  8. For those who have yet to go to do this offering, do go and make your offering soon, cos next coming monday, 4 Feb 2008 will be the actual day of Li Chun.

    For those who have got your requests answered, remember to go and pay your gratitude respect.

  9. For those who had tried this Method during last year's Lunar 12 Month, please do return to the same Temple to pay respect to the Deities before the 16th Day of Lunar 12 Month.

    This is to return your gratitude to the Deities (whether your request is being fulfilled or no).


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