Monday 24 December 2007

Priestess Zhang Yu Lan (張天師之孫張玉蘭)

Priestess Zhang Yu Lan aka Spiritual Mother Maiden of Scriptures.

Zhang Yu Lan (張玉蘭), the granddaughter of Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張道陵天師), daughter of the 2nd Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Heng (嗣師張衡天師之女) & 3rd Generation Heavenly Master Zhang Lu's sister (系師張魯天師之姐妹).
She was born in Late Han Dynasty, on 9th Day of Lunar 3 Month AD 217 (建生於東漢末年農曆三月初九日).

Since young, Zhang Yu Lan was an intelligent girl who could memorized all Scriptures, Mantras and Spiritual Records passed down by her Grandfather and other Spiritual Sages.

At the age of 17, one night, she dreamt of a Red Light Ray shined onto her, in the Red Light Ray, she could see some golden wordings, but as she tried to read the characters, she woke up. After woke up, she felt that something was going to happen and soon, she found out that she was pregnant.

In the past, when a girl was pregnant without a marriage, the girl could be sentenced to death and so, Zhang Yu Lan kept quiet of this issue and tried to cover-up, but soon, her mother noticed that and her mother reprimanded her for dishonesty.

Upon disappointment, Zhang Yu Lan summoned her maid to the room and told her that, she would be leaving this Mortal World soon and after her departure someone in the family would have to cut open her tummy to allow the "baby" in her tummy to reveal to the Mortal World. Soon after she made her advises, she left.
In order to know that truth of Zhang Yu Lan's pregnancy, her body was being carried to the main hall for examination. Just before the point of the cutting-up, a lotus-like ray emitted out from her tummy and within seconds, the lotus-like ray turned into a Scripture – Ben Ji Jing (際經). 

After 100 days of Zhang Yu Lan’s departure, the Scripture was lost and out of sudden, a Thunder strike onto Zhang Yu Lan's tomb. When people rushed to the tomb, they found out that the tomb was emptied.

From then, people knew that Zhang Yu Lan had got her Enlightenment. By giving birth to the Scripture, she was addressed as the Spiritual Mother Maiden of Scripture.

Today, in China Yi Zhou Area (益州), Zhang Yu Lan's tomb can still be found and a Temple is dedicated to her around that area.


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