Friday 7 December 2007

Pictures of Celestial Emperor Xi Ji Tian Huang (四極六御之西極天皇大帝)

Tian Huang Da Di (天皇大帝) aka Gou Cheng Tian Huang Da Di (勾陳天皇大帝), full title known as Xi Ji Tai Ji Gou Chen Shang Gong Tian Huang Da Di (西極太極勾陳上宮天皇大帝), one of the Four Celestial Emperors (四御之一) & part of the Nine Emperors group (九皇星君之一).

According to Taoist Scriptures, Records & Chinese Deity System, Tian Huang Da Di was one of the few Major Stars that being manifested by Dou Mu Yuan Jun - the Mother of All Star Lords (由斗姆元君所化生).

After Dou Mu manifested the Stars, these Stars floated around in the Universe and after a certain thousand years, they allocated themselves at a certain position in the Universe. And Tian Huang Star was being attracted to the Pull-force produced by the Western Heaven and being allocated at the West Hemisphere. Which later, being appointed as the main person in-charging of the Western Heaven.

So what is the main task of Tian Huang Da Di?

According to records, Tian Huang Da Di was being appointed as the Overall In-charge for all Deities, Immortals and Living Beings who attained Enlightenment, besides that, Tian Huang Da Di was also being allocated the task of looking into battling/war issues that happened within the Three Realms (掌管三界萬神及萬靈之職並主宰三界兵戈戰爭之事).


  1. 勾陳天皇大帝寶誥
    Gou Chen Tian Huang Da Di Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)
    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    Zi Wei Chen Ji, Gou Chen Tian Gong

    Jiu Guang Bao Wan Zhi Zhong

    Wu Jun Xuan Du Zhi Shang

    Li Yuan Huang Er Zuo Si Xuan Hua
    Zong Liang Ji Er Gong Li San Cai

    Zhu Chi Bing Ge Zhi Quan Heng

    Guang Tui Da De

    Tong Yu Xing Chen Zhi Li Chi

    Wu Shi Chang Jing, Shang Xiang Wei E
    Zhen Yuan Hui Mo

    Da Bei Da Yuan, Da Sheng Da Ci

    Gou Chen Shang Gong Tian Huang Da Di

  2. may 天皇大帝 bless my families and friends and neighbours... -_-

    天皇大帝... please guide me and my families and friends and neighbours in the proper and right path...

    天皇大帝... may good fortune and wealth come my families' ways as we need help in things to 还缘 and 还原...

    amitabha buddha... -_-

    dasheng and families and friends and neighbours

  3. New pic of Tian Huang added (tianhuang_new_01.jpg)


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